Scale Armor

The half dragon half avian let out a gasp and snapped his wings back to the side. he wasn't a dragon and he didn't want to be a dragon! he was an asari! he was small and quick, with skill in hand to hand combat. not a monster, not a beast.

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Blood Red: Chapter Six: The Return

My suspicions were dead on target; the person that managed to elude all law-enforcement for sixty years, and find her way all the way here, was elise elorara mayer...half dragon, half red-wolf, approximately eighty years old and didn't physically age, same

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New LIfe: chapter 16 (Final)

dragon he was had horns on top of his head and three of them on each side of his face and was wearing regular pair of jeans and a purple v-t-shirt that was drago and he was strolling a cute white dragon but this dragon was different from

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Scale Armor

The half dragon half avian let out a gasp and snapped his wings back to the side. he wasn't a dragon and he didn't want to be a dragon! he was an asari! he was small and quick, with skill in hand to hand combat. not a monster, not a beast.

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chapter 5-getting to know ryan

(my new character will be very based on me, though a few things will change like my age, name and where he lives, oh, and the fact he's half dragon.) if your under 18 and haven't been caught yet good for you.

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 3

A draconian is a half-dragon, and of course their mean of attack didn't always rely on kicks and punches like how humans were. it was the tail, claws, and (because of safety, this never happened) fire.

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Rekuiem's Oddest Christmas Party

Dude, i'm half dragon now, not that i'm angry at you but what could you possibly need all of that for?" darius stared rekuiem down for a solid minute, not letting any emotion show.

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Loskra's Story

By the occasional flash of lighting, she saw a particularly odd group of adventurers, including a creature she immediately recognized as a half dragon.

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Dragon's Pride 13

You're pathetic for a half-dragon, man." "fuck you, man." "wait, did you hear that?"

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 10

That's draconian's term...and you're a half-dragon. for now, maybe you can't communicate with them, but try not to piss yourself off." "it's hard, you idiot!

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Wind of Change: Chapter 30

You might need it since these guys killed half of my bureau and almost killed my boss, if he isn't one of the half-dragons." "what kind of protection?"

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 14: A Promise Fulfilled

He knew an argoon dragon was stronger than most dragons, and he was only a half-dragon. it would be suicide. "i know you don't want to fight me," said xiciro, surprising richard.

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