"what the hell" he cried as his partner john grabbed his taser "don't worry - we'll trap them at the fence" john called back and radioed the office "we've got animals loose in the compound" he yelled.
A Case Best Left Untouched Part 3
Ceilia called back to him, "over here sir. he's ok just some wounds." when sora got to the scene he was taken back at the sight of sero, his once beautiful white fur was stained red with blood. parts of his shirt and shorts were also torn.
Crushed (Kreet - 63)
He called back, but kallid grabbed his other hand and they pulled sigmundurr out of the courtyard. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* back at the baby dragon, sigmundurr was taking liberal doses of liquid pain killer while marge tried
Dark Origins
The creatures were called back when a plea for peace between realms was made. ceverus agreed to leave the abyss alone so long as no other demon set foot in his realm.
The Favor
Gen called back from the bathroom smokey just chuckled. "gen what would you do without me?" he asked himself. after he left the room to head for class.
A Patient Death 02: Let the Dead Judge
Breeze called back, spurring the horse forward and shivering, despite the morning sun. "you're starting to sound like a bloody soother, can't have that. we're gonna ride hard, so hold on tight, this might break a rib."
Luna And Thief Ch 4
Luna knew she couldn't be called back now "now wait griffin you can't tag team." luna pulled thief from the battle and took up a stance "the vulpix wasn't supposed to run in, marill was..."
Dragon Storm: Chapter 39: Civil War in Fur Dreams City, Blood-Tail Vs. Shadow!
Shadow screamed and called back his second dagger. it was still in the base of the billboard.
He called back. i nodded and patted his shoulder. he continued his barrage of vanessa du von as she danced back up the cat-walk.
"you want to wait for them to call back-ups and start canvassing the buildings?
Chronicles of Draxuz: Chapter 4
Draxuz called back over his shoulder. larka merely smirked. "yeah right. you know as well as i that you wouldn't make it out here without me."
Chapter 7: Charity
He calls back "it's easy work just a few blank scrolls for the guard's office." "no, thanks. i'll be leaving town in the morning i have to prepare." she calls back leaving him scratching his head. she had told him earlier she would be around all day.