Chapter XVII: I Won't Shed A Tear

It's easier to vet a potential new employee if they've already been transformed by the program. we have the added benefit of understanding the ins and outs, so, it's not resource that chainbreakers leaves untapped." "was ashleigh a puppy?"

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L.A.F.F. Pups Episode 1: Enter the Kellster

Luckily, the swing set did not weigh that much, so silver and nitro were bruised, but not in need of a vet. meanwhile, sombra, ziggo, aniro, and tommyfox heard the loud crash and came running to the swing set to see what had happened.

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Chapter 6

Those are really hard to fix and the vet would probably just have to put me down. that would be too bad... something was squeezing my arm. i pulled but i couldn't get my arm back. it felt like the way thejackal would put pressure on me sometimes.

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Pokemon's Gift Chapter 3: Some advice and an errand

The next best option is a field vet; it's a hefty investment and requires a degree in medical science and some pricy equipment. after a few years of solid work, the initial expenses should be paid off and you'll be able to start making real money.

Corwin Hall, Chapter 4

"to help you integrate, to protect you, and... to vet you." todd paused halfway down the corridor. "you mean i might not be able to stay?" "we evaluate all potential new residents, todd.

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The thing had possibly saved his life he couldn't just leave it here and he couldn't turn it in to the vets.

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Pandemic-Day 46 2:03 AM-1/7/2023-Chapter 16-Help

Will cameron, an 11 year delta force vet and his brother, 11 year old rafael, a simple suburban kid, survive the cross country journey to silverton, texas? or will they become six's latest victims?

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Day 40 1:10 PM 1/4/2023-Chapter 11-A New Friend

Will cameron, an 11 year delta force vet and his brother, 11 year old rafael, a simple suburban kid, survive the cross country journey to silverton, texas? or will they become six's latest victims?

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The Origin of Max: Chapter Two: Dockside Vampires and Machines

"my names tempest...i used to be a mechanic for the wounded vets and cops that opted for state of the art cybernetic body parts...i can go as detailed as right down to your privates to your heart and brain. i am at your service mr. charger."

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The thanksgiving tradgedy(Chapter 8)

The next thing that he heard was a the phone slammed down, obviously missing the receiver, and tires squealing as he sped out of the parking lot of the vet building.

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Go home Zeke!

He watched as the two conversed on local vets and eating regimens. after another paw shake the otter signed the dotted line making zeke officialy his. "alright mr. soontag," the dragon said handing him a fresh copy of everything they had just went over.

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Zootopia Movie Script: Point 223 part 6

Tin tin: my vet bill is going to suck. bertolt on radio: lieutenant hopps? swat is out of the game! scene shift scene location: police helicopter over the portal building. scene: judy is hanging out the door.

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