Hic Sunt Dracones

Their story had made the paper, if only in vague terms that only they and a select few knew the full details of.

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A Little Piece Of Tail -OR- The Story Of A Familiar

It spoke with a vaguely oriental accent, which he found quite pleasing. he swam toward it. before long, his hands touched a sandy bottom sloping up from beneath him, leading to the beach on which the dragon sat.

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Stories of Skarn - The Quick Reference Sheet

I have some vague ideas of what might come after the missing lynx reaches its inevitable conclusion, but those ideas are subject to change based on any number of things.


The Legend Of Felicia: Sheltered Emotion

._ everything sounded just a little bit vague and what little stories i was able to hear had a bit more to go with the whole legendary hero bit. the dragon vanished but i felt a strange presence in my mind and somehow knew that he was with me.

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Stranger than Fiction

She vaguely felt something against the shoulder straps of her backpack, realizing that it must have been thomas.

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A Cafe in Sackville

The cumbersome non-adventures of a sugar glider and his vaguely more sensible boyfriend. "wake up." oliver became aware of a weight above him, pressed gently against his shoulders and hips.

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Cries to the Moon: Instincts

As he said this he could vaguely recall the smell of her hair. a smell he was picking up on, even if unconsciously. justin had been left behind, unable to track the scent as he moved through the woods.

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Second Chances: I was reborn as a kitten

It was strange because despite having a vague sense that he was indeed this tyler he still had memories of being matthew but they seemed like vague dreams and unlike matthew tyler was codependent on mommy he was being changed right now further proving that

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007 Initial Conditions

"that was an excellent vague prediction." "thank you! i've always wanted to do the mysterious seer thing and just tell someone. everyone always gets so upset about it though. so, detailed predictions you can call me on.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 44: They Whose Blood Does Not Flow

Why his mafia organisation was after the wolf, he wasn't fully certain, mainly because the reason written in the document was rather vague, or possibly was left intentionally vague. in addition, it might also explain why max was so protective of tom.

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Breaking Down

This was not expected, not in any form, and i began to feel vaguely threatened. all this really did sound like a cult, like some manson-family reboot with a bigger budget.

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All's Fair... Ch. 6

It only vaguely occurred to me that the nephilim might be trading slaves to the bandits in order to keep their caravans safe, if that was so, it meant bad news for humans, the bandits would have to make up for the lost income somehow...

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