The Fighter - Chapter 2 -
"beating up a thug in a back alley would only make it better." she continued to walk down the road. the roar of city night life filling the air of horns, yells for taxi, and random advertisement from the store fronts.
Of course, as one would expect, chaos soon broke out all over the world, as criminals and thugs began using their powers for evil deeds, but of course, heroes emerged to put a stop to all of that, but each time they battle, it leaves the areas they battled
Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.6 - The Search Begins
Leaping high with both claws raised above, the thug-crustacean slammed his heavy arms down for kiryu's head but what he didn't expect was kiryu to jump straight up towards him.
Confession i did retard, i walked beside you fervently, came to your aid so zealously, but disappointment came to be, a wasted year, now lost to me, abandoned me like a sickly pet, a pain i never will forget, fled as though i were a thug
Beware of Bouncers
Fang stepped forward removing his vest and cracking nearly every bone in his body as he losened up his muscles looking at the thugs before him. "well you gonna stand there or are you gonna leave?"
Backstories: Gunslinger Kyle
Kyle became known as the poster boy for moral consequentialism: he would do whatever it took to protect the innocent, even going so far as to hold the children of thugs that terrorized towns hostage, and the townsfolk were ever grateful.
World building for the Undertale AU
Common thugs don't have a lot of lv, after all **---relationships---** alphys x undyne (because canon) frisk has become friends with flowey and max.
The Zeevan Conflict - Chapter 5
"according to caylen, the two of you were jumped by a bunch of thugs working for his former owner.
Rose Sari Kalayar - Character Description
Before the could leave, both rose and malakye were attacked once again by vireon and a gang of his hired thugs, an attack which resulted in her death.
Murder City: Chapter 1
Making my way to the store, i came across a bunch of teenage street thugs tagging a building. when they saw me, i just rolled my eyes and threw them my wallet. it didn't matter; i was going to get paid for cleaning up their mess anyway.
A Bardly Sellsword's Price
Pleasantly surprised at the lack of potential thugs hiding in the shadows, he continued "you are back here alone? i thought you gnoll-folk travel in packs." "yeah? well i thought you nobles were supposed to be rich, up to your necks in wealth!"
Jenna's Story Ch. 2
"i don't think you know what you got into, missy," another thug added, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a switchblade, with which he lunged at jake's would-be savior.