MAGI: Chapter 04 - Reveal

Even the wolf seemed genuinely concerned, and the horse had to wonder whether the haze of pain was getting to him. alexander gasped, the sound of his voice making him turn his head, which the horse instantly regretted.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Eight

--and sank its teeth into the horse's neck, narrowly missing za. the horse thrashed and whinnied, its blood spattering on adlis and za as it fought to shake the predator off, and then collapsed.

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FiM: As Soft as Stone

Harshwhinny was going to leave the young mare to her own devices, but never seemed to find the will. instead she found herself just watching the mare as she watched the sky.

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The pegasus smiled a little, as a nicker from the horse told him that the stallion knew exactly what that particular word meant.

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The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 1: An Eye

Memories from long ago flooded her mind, images of a healthier mare, a stronger mare. the breeze brushed past her matted fur, barely ruffling the magenta coat, carrying the familiar scent of salt and rubbery sand.

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david's college days part twenty eight

David brought a horse box for going to shows seeing as the car would only just take the little horse box so he went out and brought a big horse box.

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Black Coffee

The mare behind the counter gave her a smile as gleaming just gave a slow nod. she had no clue if her usual as a mare was the same as it was when she was a stallion.


FIRGP: Furry Invitational Racing Grand Prix

The stallion glides eagerly along on two balanced tires like the dancer it was meant to be. the stallion is at one with the bike. frison realizes with sudden euphoric wonder, that he and the stallion within the bike are one!

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A Pony Kind of Date

"that's all a stallion really needs around here." "an' a lady-mare too to keep him warm at night, i wager."

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Slaughter at Stringybark Creek - Prequel -

Locked their legs, the trailing horses taking a moment to realise the lead horses had stopped, their own hooves skittering and sliding, as the confused men sitting on the rough bench seat swore and fought to keep control of the skittish horses.

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The Trail

"ok brain, watch me saddle my horse, because you're going to be doing your own." john said as he made his way to his horse. he quickly brushed the back and side of his horse with his paw.

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A visit from Twilight

Then the unicorn mare fainted.
