Dreams On The Breeze 1 - The Great Cave Deceptive

He hadn't really found out how quick or good this auto-translator of slippy's was.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 21

"tenderheart brought futureheart's sword back with him and slippy studied the alloy. i asked them to use the material and psychonite fragments to forge this katana for you.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 16

"actually, our medical and science teams in the kingdom of caring have medical technology that surpasses what lylat has to offer," tenderheart couldn't help but smile as he heard fox cough in embarrassment, "according to their team's mechanic, slippy


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 7

"i guess i should get the rainbow rescue beam finally completed," bright heart sheepishly scratched his head, "i wonder if slippy has any ideas to fix that."


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 4

In this future, bright heart, slippy and i have developed a nanite healing chamber that can fix all but the most grievous wounds, it might even be able to rebuild lost limbs if it's adjusted right.

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Star Fox: Ascension #08 TERROR

Wait, no, i'm fine, slippy, what's that?" fox was talking to someone now, his thoughts distracted, being pulled in multiple directions.

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Star Fox: Ascension #04 INFILTRATION

The language barrier had proven a hindrance at first, but with his radio working again slippy was able to figure out what kind of translation software the science team must have been using when they weren't speaking it themselves.

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Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 2 - Round 1

"careful, it'll be slippy." alex commented as he took lesley's hand, giving her support as she gingerly put her slippery toes, then the rest of her feet, on the ground.

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Starfox: Bowser Jr's Toybox

"so slippy was good for something installing those!" "falco come on, he makes our stuff work." "oh what he's not here!" he batted the air. "look, i'll give him a gift basket when we get back." "i'm holding you to that, we also have to find wolf.

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