Gemini – Chapter 10: Rebirth
That's when he saw two discernable features of the silhouette that had caused him to fly into a tree, a hat and a cape. he knew mare do well had done this to him, but why? he needed to find out.
Then and Now: Chapter 1 - "Just Beginning"
As darkness overtook his vision, he could make out a large, pointy-eared silhouette looking down on him. he heard three words that reverborated through his mind before slipping into unconsciousness: "not yet, soldier."
Greenwood - Shooting Star FR
La musique effaçaient l'atmosphère anxiogène crée par les monstres de métal hurlant sur la grande piste sombre et humide que seules arrêtaient les silhouettes fantomatiques errantes sur leur chemin et la puissante lumière rougeoyante de piliers les dominant
036 - Proxime Pt.04
But it somehow gets even worse; some of them wearing boycockets, while they were rubbing the side of their thumb alongside an enamel pin: a green silhouette of a hunter aiming a rifle on one knee.
new moves
She's to determine to stop herself from getting hurt" tsume look up to the sky and saw a black silhouette fly across the sky as it ignited with a flamed road but then it soon disappeared followed by a scream, tsume got scared and stood up about to rush in
They had their friends comment how their stripes blended, made them look like a painted wall when they stood in silhouette against it. but, between his work and hers they couldn't make ends meet and get together.
FNAF: Love Story Chapter 1
I closed my eyes for a moment and counted to ten, and when i opened them another silhouette had appeared in front of me, with two red dots signifying where this thing's eyes were.
Skyrim Dragonhearth
I could only make out the silhouette of cottages, bushes, and fruit-bearing trees. i figured he was inside the fortified village, but i wondered where the argonians had gone.
Thunderstruck Chapter 5
He looked toward the entrance and saw a big silhouette blocking it. someone was in there with him. fear grabbed feign hard, his fur standing up on end.
Merry Christmas Foxy
The silhouette of foxy was present just outside of pirate's cove and he was looking at the camera, with his hook raised. but mike noticed something else. foxy was carrying a cutlass in his spare hand.
Chapter 2 - Understanding Pasts
Both of them returned their gazes back towards the silhouette dragon. "i'll take care of this," said gilbert turning his left hand into a fist. "what?!" exclaimed leo.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 15
Danado knew it was him because no other wolf's silhouette was as fat as his, and standing next to him was hyker, another wolf with an unmistakable silhouette because of the missing ear.