Vampires des contes et vampires des rues
Avant que qui que ce soit n'ait compris ce qui se passe, elle se jette sur le renard le plus proche et le plaque au sol, sans oublier de l'immobiliser d'un coup de genou bien placé. le couguar, médusé, la regarde fixement sans oser bouger.
A Quick Short
May the gods and the ancestors guide you on your way jason-san." sakura bowed again as jason's life points dropped to zero.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.3 - One Week Left
"alright, sure," the bird stood up leaving the camp, "might as well do it now, later kiyo-san, orama-san." "take it easy," the squid waved, "don't be a stranger."
Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.5 - Trading Steel
"it was good to meet you uh...type-three-san."
Furry Little Secret (ch.2)
Ikakku barked at him moving slightly to shield yumichika renji went wide-eyed, "you too ikakku-san?" "oh come off it, renji, don't tell me you don't lean that way yourself!"
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part One -- {A Bad Omen}
"oto-san and nii-san will see you now!" a female voice hollered out in a rather cheerful tone. it was none other than the voice of guren. "so, wait, this fancy lobby room isn't our meeting place?"
Chapter Eleven: Betrayal
Usuyami hung her head, "natsumi has died, kibotani-san. yarimoto-san... he's changed, i think..." "oh dear... the enemy?" "we think so... the thing that attacked up seemed to be her husband, changed somehow." "goodness!
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 26
Hi, kelly-san! hi, tora-san! hi, hiro-san! do you like my flight attendant's uniform?" the little husky girl said. she's wearing what looks like a flight steward's uniform. including the hat.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.6 - Bait and Switch
"it makes you zura-san." murata nodded. "you were zura-san when you were a kid, and you're zura-san now right?" "y-yeah, i mean, it's my family name course i was."
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 7
"hi, kelly-san, is a pleasure to meet you." he said. "so, you came for a postcard? you're really out of touch from your family." kounosuke said.
To be an Assassin 2
sanlis nodded and turned, walking away silently.
The "Tail" of Kiyoshi
"kiyoshi-san, daisuke- san, satsuki-san, and you young skunk i wish to congratulate all of you. thanks to your work three of the four escapees have been returned to prison, all almost none the worse for ware.