Somewhere between worlds
It was now, that with no hope that the imperial would ever be reunited with his companions, with no hope of surviving the night, met his fate. slowly, and patiently, the beast lowered the man into his mammoth-sized maw and slowly clamp down.
Red: thanks , now lets go red shouted as all went to fight as they didn't see sora run after the guy in black they soon reunited with sora and then mountain started to shake revealing a giant flying heartless that was heading towards the city
By Moonlight I Miss You
He threw on some clothes haphazardly , grabbing the patched bomber jacket yu had mended for him on the night they were reunited as he headed out into the darkness.. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_  
Blood on Ice - Chapter Sixteen
I had thought i reunited with midnight, but instead i met lord leakhos. what does that mean for me? the black wolf had led me up several flights of stairs until we reached a large door and led me through.
Two Worlds: Prologue
Eventually the walls will break completely and the two halves will be reunited. the questions are only when, who will cause it, and will we survive it?
Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 4)
The airport was packed for a morning in march, some people hugging and crying as one left and others running to reunite with loved ones again. today, thunder would be one of those who cried.
Crossroads: Prologue
With mother and son finally reunited, the two foxes spent the rest of the week catching up with one another.
The Convention
It isn't just reuniting with old friends and meeting artists. these conventions provide a sense of community for a group of people who have an interest that makes them feel isolated and strange. it's the profound joy of, for once, being themselves.
Charlie And Veronica (Part 4)
Hopefully i don't have to wait long for us to be reunited. i love you my dear veronica. sorry for leaving you earlier than i was i supposed to. goodbye my darling. i love you. with love, charlie
Aleisha's Story - Chapter Two - Aftermath
Day at school, her beautiful eyes wide and the tears sliding down her cheeks as the teacher took her by the paw and led her to the classroom; the night at the fair - when she'd accidentally gotten lost, then the emotions that flooded him when they had been reunited
Flawed Art Online
People might commit suicide to reunite with loved ones, fall in to some sort of insane religion in which they think this is the afterlife, or decide that they can do whatever they want because none of this is real.
Interlude 2
If there was something that she agreed with queen adela's assessment, it was that the crests had to be reunited for the leading bastard to be taken out. and this task was far from easy, considering their current resources.