Galactic Conflict - Chapter Ten

It was only natural since the fox did not know all that much about his rescue. "that..." stuttered nishant. "really? there... nothing about that in the records... do you have records on the rescue?"

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Nova Short

A gift from my friend a story where a mightyena and a pidgey brave a snowstorm to rescue a group of fledgling pokemon. crunch! a black paw stepped down through previously undisturbed snow.

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The Big Party (Request)

"i'm here to rescue you, you dolt." an eyebrow from him. "to get you out of here. did they feed you stupid juice or something?" "so the best they could send is a pregnant female?" another growl. "okay, okay. chill. you're just fat, noted."

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"r... rescue." the male, an elder canine somewhat in his twilight years evidenced by his greying fur and gently misting eyes, gave her a concerned look. "rescue? this is a new word for your demons to shout, in all the months you've been here."

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By nightfall he put down his heavy burden, the wolf female that he had rescued earlier. she was still unconscious and ventus took the opportunity to look at her closely.

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The Name Is Black, Jet Black, Part Three

I would suggest that one of the agents to avoid using for this rescue is throttle, as he may be considered to be too close to the mission." "too close to the mission? how could that be admiral?"

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Otter Park

That was when he realized that the fire and rescue people were still teenagers themselves. "ahem! aren't you supposed to be trying to rescue the guy stuck in the mega-slide?" he crossed his arms and started tapping his foot.

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In Utter Darkness: Chapter 1: New Day

With that rescue we managed to bring our fighting force up to about 34, 6 of my squad (including me) and about 28 soldiers from mixed branches.

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Kamuzu's biograpby

Very frightened, with the help of their pokémon rescued the pokémon buried under the rubble. when he was rescued, his hands were totally broken and unconscious.

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PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 2

"you're one of the few rescue teams here in seneca village that shows any promise. the other so-called rescue teams came here just because they thought they'd get rich or make a name for themselves. they don't actually care about the rescuing part.

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PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 2

"you're one of the few rescue teams here in seneca village that shows any promise. the other so-called rescue teams came here just because they thought they'd get rich or make a name for themselves. they don't actually care about the rescuing part.

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Aqueus biography

He was promoted 3 times until arrive to petty officer of 3rd class, for his great progress and rescue many pokemon during the war.

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