The Clockwork Falcon - part 17: Week 5

As it drew closer, jim heard it begin whispering, "my regrets..." it didn't stop walking, just kept croaking those sickening words as it turned to stare at him with hollowed eyesockets.

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Antler to Antler - Part 2

Anybody who did would live to regret it. meanwhile, another buck, pine, watches bracken, quietly from the sidelines, eyes filled with jealousy.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Three

regret that he had provoked an alien race, regret that he failed to defend his home against that race, regret that had been captured, infected and his soul twisted by a nightmarish hell, and regret that he had caused jun to be filled with worry and grief.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep09

It took us a long time, but we finally found each other, and i have no regrets, even if being cursed was the price. it's our fate, and i always believed in it," rinami softly said to hazard, gripping on his hand tighter.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 2 - Falling apart

She suddenly regretted everything, even through her hatred she regretted the fact that she had provocated flak. but still, she had the urge to murder him. everything was messed up.

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Snowmew and Wuff

I don't regret that i went with you tara.." matt murred softly and smiled at her. she smiles as well. "and i don't regret that i asked you to it.." she whispered. matt moved closer to wrap his arms around her body to cuddle her. "tara..

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 13

He would have to live with that decision for the rest of his life, and he didn't know if the ecstasy of the moment would be enough to justify the days of regret he would have to face after it was done. _but maybe there won't be any regret?

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A wolf's first love Part 3: A Date?

"well i should get going back to my room" said jake regretfully not wanting to part company with his new sexy wolf boyfriend.

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You Look Really Sad

Just because he's a small fox and he'll regret it in the morning if he's hungover, and he doesn't want to regret anything about this night. in five, ten, fifteen years, he'll look back on this night, and no, he won't regret anything.

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He said as if he regretted it since the beginning. my eyes lit up like a kid on christmas "what?! y-you wont regret this!" i nearly screeched! taking his paw into mine shaking it. i was nearly sprinting to the reactor level.

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A Cruel Fate

Looking down to his bloody hands naruto felt only a little regret, regret that it had not lasted longer. he felt himself getting weaker and saw that the powerful energy cloaking him was fading. a shout of "naruto!"

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Teaser: As Below, So Above

He suspected he would regret that later, but that he would have regretted keeping those last, confused words more. back before, there would have been no question: a death on the station would have been an international scandal.

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