Poem #28: Rejection

Fragments of my mind pierce my soul driving me insane into an early grave cemetery without you by my side never feel my breath breathe my stench it raids your inner core mine is dust please scrape me up you toss me aside

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#1 of unnamed wolf story linara was looking around at all the damage this latest raid had caused. she sighed and lowered her head. ''why didn't they just stop? they could've prevented all of this bloodshed!''

Chapter Seven The Rescue Mission

The raiding party then had the rest of the base's staff line up against a wall while a firing squad raked them down with their infantry weapons. after the raiding party left, a recovery team went in to see the damage.

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WC/LotW Preloage

Cut scene- (at the village) the raid has begun, a pregnant female (my mom) is captured (among others) but she kicks the leader in the nuts and everyone is able to escape, during the chaos the owl (yes he's still there) is becoming increasingly annoyed with

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Berserker Part 3: War

Shrugging i tossed it aside "ain't that strange, this lot seemed rather weak for a raiding party." muttered usav, binding a long gash that ran down his arm with another rag.

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue V

He also pays more attention to the spoils of your daring raid, helping himself to a woodcutting axe, a crowbar, pots and pans, a knife, a purse full of silver, and a hairbrush and mirror for some reason.

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Junior Year: Wake Up

I raided my hamper until i found my favorite shirt. 'life sucks and then you die.' gotta love the classics. i scarfed my breakfast quickly and took off, and grabbed my backpack. might as well get this over with.

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Collection of Love Poems

Like the wardrobe of a dapper maid, or the night sky during a savage raid. this light so bright, though oh so dim. this beautiful city reminds me of him...

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Dinner and Game (Otherwise Untitled)

#78 of short stories a german shepard arrives home, successfully proposing a meal while his room mate is busy with a mmorpg raid.

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Hammering Out a Skill (Otherwise Untitled)

A town's silversmith doesn't make any better of armor there, and these border raids will see my children and their's raised.", ducking his head back into the mask and hood as he turned back to his tools.

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Out of Time, Out of Space Chapter 3

I've heard of you before in our raids. where are you from?" "well, depending on your point of view, from either a planet called earth or the planet gallifrey." "gallifrey, you say?"

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The Lead Crown: Ch 4b, Your Highness (Pt 1)

What we see most of the men of symbol are those who wish to raid our lands or make slaves of our souls... but not all are this way_."

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