What Once Was Eden Chapter 2 Part 2 of 2
Since she didn't have any luggage, she was just tossing her things into a leather satchel she'd purchased after they finished at the bath house. farnsbeck had a matching one with a single change of clothes that he'd purchased on the same shopping trip.
Vilous Summer
He soon had the thousand of something called "bitcoin" needed for the purchase, apparently a grand sum of $250. he eagerly sent it to the seller.
The Romance of Serpents (Illustrated)
I propose you purchase a single blue bell, a simple flower with a lot less to tell. a gesture with no presumption, just hope. all you can do is pray she won't say 'nope!'" \< "alright my good sir, i'll take your advice.
Sweet Tooth
"oog..." the charmeleon groaned as he passed the food court and smelled the tantalizing smell of things he simply couldn't purchase. he needed to eat -something- though...!
Love Lives On
"sir, i'm sorry, but you obviously don't have enough money to purchase this item. i'm going to have to ask you to leave please." the fox was about to grab the small box and have it put away until the wolf stopped him by grabbing it first.
Research Log [#006]
The town area originally wasn't part of the facility, but thanks to government funding pro-tech purchased the town. that's right. they bought a whole town. granted it was only a few housing estates, but still. on the topic of my side experiment...
A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (17)
I'm looking for an extra hand around here, somebody to man the till, run the various tournaments that are held here at eventide, and help with miscellaneous jobs, like stocking the shelves and advise on purchases. no experience required.
the unatural kid chapter1: fast reflexs
He last purchased a pistol from a gun store yesterday. we don't know if it was his intention to kill your uncle and aunt. he has a cross tatoo on his left arm and a russian star on his right arm. we do know where he lives. he lives on this street.
Wake Up Alarm (Otherwise Untitled)
It flailed with the tiny actuators, twisting about a bit as the gyroscopes failed to find purchase. when it slammed into the floor infront of the pod with a satisfying 'whummmphk!', catherine let out a soft giggle.
Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 3
"good, because i'd hate to think i made a poor business decision in purchasing this place." art blinked. "wait, did you say what i thought you said?" art's father nodded.
The fox and his bunny gamer
Section and went off to stare at it while she was gone alex took his credit card out and grabbed a few wii games and a wii controller for dani and also grabbed a 3ds "hope she likes this can't believe i'm actually doing this..." he went up to the counter and purchased
Cruelest Cut
To fortify herself for shopping, sylvia visited a neighborhood fish market, eating her purchase fresh out of its wrappings as she continued on her way.