Something Different: Prologue
Just a quick prologue to get settled with the sights layout and such. gives you guys a good chance to see the main protagonist to, hopefully you enjoy. prologue for him it was just another day, another damn day he had to wake up.
Dragon's Reign - prologue: The Beast within
This prologue has been on my desk for quite a while now. well, on my virtual one.
Green: Time's End (prologue)
And with that, here ends the prologue of "green: time's end"**
Qnta Rising, Prologue: Q'llaeri Cyclle Book 1
The prologue to qnta rising '_the q_?_lai lies dying. the spotted one and the shadow mark in one_ _q?lai__to take the place of one downed. the elders betrayal causes the prophecy to become true.
"Daggers of Darkness, Book 4: An Unexpected Discovery", Prologue
**prologue** the journey _of_ the heart _to_the heart continues for the crews of _nightwing_ and _se'nika_.
I think it is understandable without reading 'prologue' part. this story was an original/first idea after reading about sci-fi contest here. again, mainly for not-judging in contest, if you find some mistakes, please, send me a pm. thank you.
Will-OtheFirefox Prolodge
#2 of will-othefirefox the prologue to will-othe firefox, learn about how his family is betrayed, brother kidnapped, parents killed and a new ally will-o was outside with his father. he is 16 and his powers were just coming in and his father was training
Now you're thinking with portals Prologue
A quick prologue to the new story i'll be working on. take note that this story won't be replacing my mlp story as the center of my focus unless it gets a ton of attention; i just wanted to write the prologue.
Hidden: Prologue
#1 of hidden (series) a short prologue to a story that i plan to write when i finish old alliances. hidden: prologue escape nato intelligence department log: 29348-89a subject: dr.
Eternity's Sonata
-echo sonata aged 16. 1:35 dawn â€"date: c-15 year x-1._ â â â prologue end â â
The Redeem: Isaac's Prologue
We're posting both our prologue's and then every saturday we'll upload another chapter, weekly. as always we appreciate any comments, and questions. here's to a start of a grand tale!
The Beginning of the End: prologue-The Start of the Beginning of the End.
_ **i know its short but its only the prologue, just testing out any writing ability i may or may not have and looking for help in it.