horse poem
This idea origanly came from whoever created the very first poem all credit goes to that guy the poem im doing is from a know user huskydingo all credit goes to him and i'm making my own so here it goes aslo if i spelled anything inncorectly
Random poem time! i know this site isn't exactly primarily looked at for poems, but eh. i've been seriously slacking when it comes to submitting stuff, so here's one of many.
Le soleil du matin
#7 of poems if you wish to have it translated i recommend google translate. this poem was written in french. je me précipite à travers une vie, un monde de stress et d'inquiétude. comme si cours propulsé se dépêcher .
#2 of poems i wrote this one about 2 almost 3 years ago, and about a year ago i drew this in art and added the poem to it.
?Na wyspach Bergamutach
Bami dwiema i tylko... wysp tych nie ma this is a polish poem and also a song. english translation:
Lost Among Life
Just a poem, i'm probably going to enter a lot of poems in the future.
pain with a smile
#4 of poems yeah.. so here's a poem.. i can't stand it. my music isn't loud enough to make me deaf. my blade isn't sharp enough to make me dead. i push you all away. wishing your happiness to stay. i will leach you dry.
HardSharp Scanlan's romantic gesture
._ _this poem is for you lover_ * * * _katharine fluffyred: awww thanks dear._ * * * _hardsharp scanlan: did you like the poem?_ * * * _katharine fluffyred: of course, my love._
Vision #6 (poem)
One of the first poems i have ever written in english. i like this one the most of all of my english poems so far. bloody legions children die fire's burning mothers cry. they have seen depths of hell fallen angels cursing yells.
Moonlit Sky
#1 of poems this is a poem that i wrote a long time ago after my sister passed away. just decided to upload it now for some reason. the night is bright with a moonlit sky. i sit and think as time passes by.
Falling through my life eyes lost in the sky, this lie built from inside dragging me down.Why can i not escape my own mind. As if every move i make is not right. Why can i not escape this lie why. sometimes it is as i just dream. A ghost Just passing...
A will: Poem
world's bound's by evil sight. Man has only one plight. To be free and feel in all way's. The lust to smell. The want to taste. The need of touch. Yes it is as free will suggest. But evil is felt in are darkness mind. Riddle with thought's of madness...