
Story by cainfoxy on SoFurry

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Falling through my life eyes lost in the sky, this lie built from inside dragging me down.Why can i not escape my own mind. As if every move i make is not right. Why can i not escape this lie why. sometimes it is as i just dream. A ghost Just passing through in the streets. It is as if im liveing a secret.All they can tell is im lost.

I cant understand why i became this.

Everybody looking at me. Falling though this life. Why do you keep staring. Looking up at the sky. Screaming they are at me. This life built upon lies. Just shut up. Why can't i escape my own mind. A word just a whisper to them. Spits up sparks and rage. There it begins the fire. They just yell with no end. No understanding set in place. I always know i would be the one to disappoint.

The pressure of perfection. built me into a wall of lies. I just thoght i had to prove myself. No that was not it

now here i lay broken and thrown away.

Standing up i look at my reflection disgusted. The thoghts of what i was, killing me. The ideal of strating a new life in

the old, destroyed in the fire of there rage.

Well fuck them, A smile across my face. No longer falling throgh life. Standing tall without a hint of disgrace.

I have reached the sky. It's time to change my fate. The lies purge from my life. I am who i want to be.

I have escaped my mind. Transtion to a new life. Now every move feels right. This is life, I have escaped my greatest
