Into the Unknown-Chapter 2
"that's not what your profile says," she said picking up the file that sat on her desk, "sited for disobeying direct orders to jump away in certain situations siting that the order is wrongful in every way that should be explained by a certain instructor by
000 Readme
What i'm going to do is post each of the story fragments i've finished so far, with an arbitrary numerical tag from 000 - 999 in the title, in order to give the reader a general idea of what order everything is happening in.
The Great Adventure
Just orders from high command she sighed. something about going to full alert. she had better give the order. "captain, we have incoming. sensors pick up three incoming ships from planet side" shouted the ensign.
"The Thin Line," Part PP
Haven't you read my orders?" "i don't need any damned orders to know who's an officer and who's a loudmouthed enlisted fur. now shut up. message begins..."
Rise of the Gods - Chapter 2
His order to start digging in and to prepare for battle was meet with even more muttering than his order to get them to all get up and move in the middle of the night.
Chapter XIV: Cruel Intentions
Hummed sami, putting her paw over her ear to receive an order given over the radio. "i think it's time for us to leave." "but why?" asked tiffani. "swift has given the order to bring you to hq for questioning." "what's wrong with that?"
Sasha reluctantly walked over to take their order, and from hir body language, voxanna could tell that the herm tiger morph wished that shi was somewhere else. finally, shi left to fulfil the order. voxanna stared at the chakat with interest.
Enigma Story Chapter 1
Lieutenant bob ran up to them and said "the heavy cannons are out of range, sir, but we did hit a tank" "okay, continue firing" pantorin ordered. "yes, sir" bob got on his communicator and ordered his men to continue firing.
Burdens - Chapter 21: Lunch
The waiter came, took their orders, and went off to bring it to the kitchen. roger had ordered a burger that he always did whenever he came to the place, which was not very often.
I didn't order the drink. you must have gotten the orders wrong," says jo. "oh it is okay, it is meant for you, on the house," she replies, still giggling shamelessly.
Special Delivery
So he ordered a body pillow.
Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 13
"the system goes like this, you have sentries that take orders from officers, the officers take orders from the captains, the captains take orders from the mark captains who in trun take orders from the captain of owsla who takes orders from the council