Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 13

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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#13 of Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 1

Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale<...

Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale

Chapter 13 - Blueberry learns how to be an Efrafan

Authors Note : This is a clean fanfiction story written in the Watership Down universe. There are some scenes of natural violence, ie. predators hunting prey. Watership Down is copyrighted to Richard Adams. All world, references etc is copyrighted to Richard Adams.

This story was written during Nanowrimo 2005 and comprises of twenty chapters, however for the time being I'm only uploading the first chapter to see whether or not there is any interest for a clean fanfiction story posted on here by readers and of course this will be quite different to my usual written works on here.


Woundwort carried on moving towards Blueberry as he turned his head back quickly to see that he was actually running out of room even in this huge burrow. He quickly moved his head back again as he saw Woundwort lift up onto his hind legs, ready to strike down.

With a quick move, Blueberry got out of the way quickly as he moved right around Woundwort and stood behind him. "I apologise if I have offended you, sir?" Blueberry said unsure of himself as he saw the large buck turn around.

"Hmm, you move quite well but how can you cope in an actual fight. Come on, I want you to attack me?" Woundwort said as Blueberry just sat there looking confused. "Pardon?" Woundwort growled. "I ordered you to attack me, give it your best shot."

Blueberry replied back. "Um, yes sir..." He moved quickly forward, rose onto his hind legs and cuffed Woundwort as hard as he could on the head. Without knowing what happened next, Blueberry was flying backwards as he landed onto his back then felt the weight of Woundwort on top of him, pressing down.

Blueberry tried to squirm out of the way but it wasn't any good as he couldn't get a grip anywhere. Eventually he remained still and felt the weight lift from his body as Woundwort got up and made his way back to his place. "As for why I haven't an officer here is that I do not need one." Woundwort said as he looked at Blueberry still lying on the floor.

Slowly, Blueberry got up again onto his feet and shook his head. "Okay, point learnt." He sat down again and looked at Woundwort with some admiration in his eyes. "So you never had a problem with another rabbit?"

Woundwort shook his head. "No, never. What else is on your mind?" He carried on to look at the buck as Blueberry thought for a moment. "I am a bit confused on why this warren has to behave in what it does." He paused and quickly added. "Not that I am saying that it is wrong but I am used to another way and all."

"Ah," Woundwort said, idly scraping the claws into the soil as he talked. "I would assume that you would be confused, so let me explain. I came to this warren when it was falling apart, man was killing rabbits, elil were running amok and killing any rabbit that they saw. I looked around and saw confusion and mayhem. I brought balance and order back. Now there isn't a single elil that knows about this place, man also thinks that. We must remain hidden and be vigilante at all times."

Blueberry nodded. "I see." He looked down for a moment in thought as he looked up. "Exactly what do you have planned for us?" He looked at Woundwort for a moment as he shifted about a bit.

Woundwort was waiting for this question as he replied to it. "Well, that depends on if you will answer my questions truthfully or not?" Blueberry thought about it for a moment and nodded his head. "I will answer your questions as truthfully as I can since you allowed me to ask some of my own, sir."

Woundwort nodded as he began to speak. "Very well." He took a deep breath and spoke slowly. "Tell me about your warren?" He looked at Blueberry for a moment and added. "Everything about it, please?"

Blueberry replied as he explained about his warren. "My warren was called Copse warren, sir. It was situated south west from here far from where the iron road lies and across the river. We were situated not far from a small farm that we used to steal flayrah with the owsla. Our warren was under the command of a rabbit named Bracken-Rah."

"So the warren was destroyed, this is what you told me last night?" Woundwort said. Blueberry nodded his head. "Yes sir, it happened a few days after my first farm raid, we were sent to steal flayrah for the chief rabbit and his mate. I suppose we pushed man too far and he exacted his revenge on us. I was on sentry duty at the time when the attack happened."

"I see," replied Woundwort. "Well, the first time it happened when I was on sentry duty I was face to face with man, I immediately sounded the alarm and everyone went down below. This was before the attack." He saw Woundwort nod as Blueberry carried on. "There was a meeting but it was decided that man didn't hold much of a risk and as the days went by."

Woundwort added. "The warren relaxed in it's security?" He saw Blueberry nod his head as he added. "Continue." Blueberry carried on with his tale. "Anyways, man did come back but I was out again on sentry duty and heard a noise far off, I think it was a dog barking but it was close. I made a signal for Hawk to come to me and we went to investigate it. What we saw was man heading our way." He paused as he looked down. "Even though we tried to get back, the dog managed to get loose and chased us away from the warren. We had to taken the long way around to get back there again. But man had already arrived and the whole warren was in chaos. The only way was for us was to get to the rear run and see what could be done there."

Clawing at the soil, Woundwort pondered for a moment and spoke. "How many of you managed to escape from this attack?" He looked at Blueberry again as he felt as though the big buck was looking through him with his only eye. Swallowing, Blueberry answered. "At first there were a hrair of us that managed to escape under the cover of mist that made it hard to breathe." Woundwort nodded. "Ah, so man used fire against you then." He closed his eyes and shuddered for a moment. "Yes, I remember fire..."

Blueberry blinked as he moved his head to the side slightly and uttered. "Sir, you okay?" He saw Woundwort snap open his eyes again suddenly. "Yes. You were saying?" Blueberry swallowed as he continued on as fast as he could. "We managed to get away and kept on heading away from the warren. This is when I heard that man had also used ferrets to head into the warren as well. There was also disturbing reports that Bracken-Rah was killed as with anyone else that didn't make it out. Eventually we managed to get to the river after a few scary moments which resulted in a doe dying after eating some badly smelling grass. We stayed there for a few days resting."

Woundwort listened to everywhere Blueberry had to say, nodding his head from time to time as Blueberry carried on. "But we were attacked, hlessi life was hard and we didn't expect a fox to come, followed by hrair dogs and man. Most of use managed to escape by jumping into the river but by the time I had managed to get out. There was only three left." He paused before speaking quietly. "I do not know if there are anymore that have survived, sir."

"I see." Woundwort said at length. "I believe you are telling me the truth, however I have heard reports that there are some rabbits moving across the fields at the moment from my wide patrollers." The words gave Blueberry some hope as Woundwort noticed it. "Well, we shall find them at any rate."

Blueberry nodded his head as he sat there. Woundwort got up and hopped down from where he was and came right up to Blueberry. "I have heard about your discussion that you were having last night and I know you want your young buck Carbi protected so this is what I propose." He paused for a moment, while Blueberry wondered how he could know about said discussion. "I will not accept any treason against this warren, but I do understand that even though you do not understand our ways that you are still willing to learn them nonetheless."

Blueberry nodded his head. "I don't intend to do anything of the sort sir, I am just not used to this warren's way of life, that is all." He backed away a step as Woundwort came to sitting down and called out behind him. "You can come in now?" Blueberry turned his head to see that Captain Campion came in with Captain Chervil as they hopped either side of Blueberry as Woundwort spoke. "Did you hear what he had to say from outside?"

Both Campion and Chervil nodded their heads as Woundwort carried on. "And what do you think of what Blueberry here had to say?" It was Campion that spoke up first. "It would be easy to find out if a wide patrol was sent over that way to find out any tracks had survived or not. But what with the rain, it would be hard since it washed most of it away due to our other problem."

"Ah, yes our other problem." Woundwort said thoughtfully before speaking. "Well, I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and see how he settles in. I will speak to the others next one by one." He turned his attention back to Blueberry again. "I have decided to put you under the command of Captain Chervil and Captain Campion. They will both teach you what you need to know to become an officer in this warren. Listen to them both as they both have much to teach, as I do. Serve me well and you will be rewarded. Don't and suffer the consequences. Do you understand?"

Blueberry nodded his head as Woundwort turned to the other two. "Take him away, Campion will you show him around the warren while Chervil goes and brings Hawk to me." Both nodded their head as Blueberry did the same and spoke. "Thank you sir." He turned with the rest and followed Campion out.

As they left the burrow and headed down the run, Campion spoke. "So, what you had to say to Woundwort must've pleased him?" Blueberry replied back. "I only spoke the truth, besides you heard all of it yourself, didn't you sir?"

Campion nodded his head. "That I did." He moved along the run and stopped looking about. "This is part of the mark that you are in, these rabbits are now under your control, they will hear soon enough that you have gained a position within the owsla. It does have it's benefits by the way." Campion said as he turned his head to look at some does who were huddled together, talking quietly. "Although if you do choose a doe to mate, be careful as to which one you do choose. We've been having some problems with a few lately." He motioned for Blueberry to follow him and led him off elsewhere.

Moving through another part of the warren, Campion stopped again as he looked about. "The system goes like this, you have sentries that take orders from officers, the officers take orders from the Captains, the Captains take orders from the mark Captains who in trun take orders from the Captain of owsla who takes orders from the council and the council takes orders from the General himself. Now as for you, you're on probation right now so even though you will have officer rank you have a lot to learn which is what I am going to teach right now." He moved on again as Blueberry followed.

Coming to a run that was leading back up to the top, Campion stopped and turned around to face Bluberry. "Each mark takes it's turn to head up on top to silflay, pass hraka and to bury it. The whole exercise is done first. Sentries and officers go up on top first to make sure that the area is secure and that it is safe for the mark to go up. When we are ready, the officer near to the entrance of the run will signal down below and the mark is brought up."

Blueberry nodded as he continued to listen to Campion explain things. "No one is to leave the area, anyone that tries to run are picked up quickly and sent back for punishment. This is to ensure that our warren is safe and that man or elil will detect that there is a warren here. Each mark has a set time limit that they have and we make sure that the mark goes down below before we go down ourselves."

Blueberry asked. "Is that your job?" He saw Campion shake his head as he motioned Blueberry to head up to the top and ventured outside. Once he looked about the area, he turned his head back again to face Blueberry and answered. "No, my job is the same as any other wide patroller. If a signal comes to say that a rabbit has escaped, there are a few patrols out there ready to pick up anyone that has run off." He looked around for a moment and nodded for Blueberry to follow him. "The shoulder mark should be coming out right about now, we will go over there and you can see what I mean."

Campion moved to the edge of where the mark was and nodded to two rabbits who stopped them. They looked at Campion before turning their heads to Blueberry. "Who's he?" One of them asked as Campion replied back. "He's a new officer in the near hind mark. I am going to show him how a mark goes out and back in. I am on orders by the General to show him how things work."

The two rabbits nodded his head as they replied. "The mark should be coming up in a moment. The mark Captain is already out and sorting out the sentries." Campion nodded his head as they made their way through to another field as Campion spoke. "Stay with me at all times, not everyone will know who you are, this is another mark and they won't know you since you won't be able to come here again unless you get permission from Captain Chervil."

"I understand." Blueberry said back as they stopped at the outskirts of the mark territory as Blueberry looked about. In front of him he could see quite a lot of sentries that had been situated around the area as a rabbit ran back to the hole which had another rabbit standing just outside. Campion spoke softly. "That's Captain Thymus. He's the mark Captain here right now." Blueberry turned to face Campion on that as he replied. "Accidents happen, sometimes an owsla officer has to go on a wide patrol from time to time. No doubt you will be asked to head out on one at one point, after you have proven you can be trust, that is?"

Blueberry turned his head back as he saw the mark come out of the warren to silflay or to go and pass hraka at the prepared pits. Campion spoke again. "There are another set of rabbits who's job it is to go out and to dig those out as well as to fill them in. However, if a rabbit is on that duty then they have reached the very bottom of the warren or are on punishment. It's the least worse case of punishment that the council gives out."

Blueberry spoke. "And what are the punishments that the council give out?" He watched as he saw Captain Thymus head towards them as Campion explained. "Depends on what the crime that has been done. Take one rabbit for instance that you will see in a moment or two, he had his ears shredded for continuing to try to escape. Other times the death sentence is given out but you really have to push your luck on that one." He turned to face Blueberry. "Mind you, sometimes you have to be careful here. You have a position now in the owsla, others do not and as such they may try to kill you if they can get away with it to gain your rank. That's another way that rabbits here see death."

Before Captain Thymus reached them, Blueberry muttered back. "Thanks for the warning." He saw the rabbit come right up to them as he looked at Campion. "Hello there, what can I do for you on visiting my mark?" He turned his head to look at Blueberry for a moment and asked. "Who are you?"

Campion replied back. "He's a new officer in the near hind mark. I was ordered to show him around and since you're mark had come up for silflay, it was an opportunity to show him how it is done since he have to help do it this evening."

"I see." Captain Thymus replied back as he relaxed again. "Well, welcome to Efrafa, I am sure that you will fit right in." He turned to look back at the mark. "Care to follow me as I make my rounds with the sentries?" He saw Captain Campion nod as all three began to move through the field.

Blueberry followed the other two as Campion spoke out. "So how is the mark getting along?" Captain Thymus replied back. "We're just as crowded as all the other marks but we haven't had anyone yet try to escape, but we did increase the sentries though after Blackavar tried to run off."

Blueberry blinked. "Blackavar? Who's that?" He saw Campion look at him before looking ahead again. "Blackavar is one of the rabbits that doesn't like the overcrowding of the warren and has against the council's wishes, always wanted to leave here. It's all for Efrafa's sake to stay hidden for our protection and protection comes at a cost." He paused as he turned to Captain Thymus. "Mind if I go and show him now, best to get it out of the way than let his own rabbits see his reaction for the first time?"

Captain Thymus nodded his head as he left Campion and Blueberry alone as he made his way to make sure that the sentries were doing their jobs. Hopping across the field, pass several rabbits silflaying while being watched by officers close by, he came to the run that led down and spoke to the sentry there for a moment quietly. Blueberry couldn't hear a word but he saw the sentry nod his head and moved to the side.

Both Campion and Blueberry moved into the run and headed down a bit until they came up to where a shallow burrow was situated. Blueberry stopped and looked at Blackavar who was sitting in the middle of two larger rabbits as he looked at the state of the shredded ears. "What can we do for you Campion?" One of the rabbits spoke, while giving a look to Blueberry. "Isn't he one of the new ones you picked up yesterday?"

Campion nodded his head as he replied back. "Yes he is, I've been ordered by the General to show him around and I may as well get this over with." Campion looked at Blackavar and spoke. "Why don't you tell Blueberry here on why you are here?"

Blackavar looked up feebly as he replied back. "I was sent here as an example by the council to show what would happen if anyone tried to escape." He paused and looked down as one of the Owslafa officers raised a paw. "Come on, finish it." Blackavar shook as he carried on. "The council were merciful in their decision."

Campion turned to face Blueberry as they turned and headed back out again. "He has to report to every mark that go out and back in so that they can see him. He's coping with it so far but I don't think it will last much longer though." Blueberry nodded as he turned around and felt a cold feeling run up his spine. He turned back around again and spoke. "Have to do whatever you have to do to keep order, I suppose."

Blueberry looked about the area again and noted how so many rabbits weren't enjoying themselves, keeping quiet as they chewed on what grass they could find. Feeling Campion nudge at his side, he spoke. "We best get moving on, we have a lot to do." Campion ran up to where Captain Thymus was and nodded at him. "How long before the mark heads back down again?"

Captain Thymus replied back. "Not long now." He paused, looking about. "Not much happening in this one I am afraid, which is good but you won't see how something works. I am sure Campion will explain on what to do though if anyone ran off."

Campion frowned slightly as he sat down and watched the group of rabbit's silflaying before Captain Thymus got up and nodded. "Alright, let's get these lot back inside again." Blueberry watched as the officers down below began to herd the rabbits back to the run that led back underground where Blackavar was sitting in between the owslafa.

Blueberry gazed as he saw how efficient the owsla got the rabbits back down underground as the rest of the sentries waited until everyone had gone down before leaving their posts. Captain Thymus nodded his head at Campion and Blueberry. "Well, I shall be seeing you soon Campion, sir." He looked at Blueberry. "Good luck and all, but I have things to do." With that, he ran off with the others and slipped back underground.

Campion turned around and faced Blueberry. "Right, this is what you do if someone attempts to run away. You try to stop them at any lengths. If however you are not close enough to catch the runner and if it will endanger keeping the others from running, then all you should do is to set off the alarm by stamping your foot and shouting escape." He began to hop back to where they came and Blueberry followed him back to his mark. "Don't worry." Campion said. "We wide patrollers will be able to hear the alarm and get into the area quickly. "Hardly anyone escapes from here."

Campion frowned before he added. "Well, it used to be nobody but lately..." He went quiet and looked at Blueberry for a moment. "I hope you learn quickly as the General and I don't take to failures here." Blueberry nodded his head and made a point never to fail considering what he had seen for punishment.

Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 14

**Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale** **Chapter 14 - Caught** **Authors Note** : This is a clean fanfiction story written in the Watership Down universe. There are some scenes of natural violence, ie. predators hunting prey. Watership Down is...

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 12

**Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale** **Chapter 12 - General Woundwort** **Authors Note** : This is a clean fanfiction story written in the Watership Down universe. There are some scenes of natural violence, ie. predators hunting prey. Watership...

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 11

**Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale** **Chapter 11 - Efrafa** **Authors Note** : This is a clean fanfiction story written in the Watership Down universe. There are some scenes of natural violence, ie. predators hunting prey. Watership Down is...

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