Fates of the Ferals: Frustration and Revelations
Luckily, his older brother, kyle, had been morbidly obese departing for college, so there would be belts of sufficient length to make a good leash. a collar could be made out of some of the smaller ones that mitch could no longer use.
Spike, The Possessed Emu: Story 2 Part 1
He always found that screaming along with arch emu or morbid angelfish made him feel much better.
Picchu's Peak - Thursday Prompt Story [#23, 7/27/23]
I'm not here against my will, even if i dislike conflict," the condor started, pointing the golden scepter towards his morbid figure. "i understand now why that war was necessary, i simply was a fool to not understand it as such back then.
Story Snippet - Alice's Ascention
She had asked him to make sure that her family would be alright after she was gone - as gregory seemed to have developed a morbid air about him as she declined - and she feared that her husband would do something rash when she passed away.
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 3
"so while i'm morbidly tortured by my own body 24/7, my sweetheart is going to be off napping in some cozy sleep somewhere?" "well, not 24/7, you do get sundays off." mrs.
Part Three: The Fishing Trip
Now was really not the time to think these morbid sorts of thought, so instead, rudan dragged his gaze up to watch his father. he was surprised to find gart staring right back at him pensively.
Riddles in the Road
You've a morbid mind, lady sphinx. what is sweeter than honey, and stronger than a lion? i believe the answer is bees, making honeycomb within the body of a lion. that's a bit of a cheat, don't you think?
Realms of Fantasy Chapter 8: Prison Break
I'm usually not one for watching such a morbid spectacle, but consider what he'd put me through i'd probably be able to stomach it. we ran out into a room with several branching hallways.
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 4
Ash Wednesday was fast approaching, the clock ticking down, and the former Mrs. Easter Bunny was coaching Buttercup on the process of Egg Laying. "I thought you said I laid from Passover to Good Friday, Passover is still over a month away." Mrs....
Jet-A (2019)
The captain morbidly laughed. "yeah... sounds like my dad's stories about 'nam." bruce chuckled. an hour passed high over the atlantic. it was uneventful as the everyone let the plane fly itself towards miami.
Keep Moving Forward
This interested barry and he began to ponder why that would be until he remembered a particular morbid event that occurred last year. "you mean that avalanche that took the life of one of the rangers?"
It was aggravating, and zero was morbidly curious as to what was going to be put into him.