240 A Placidity Of Kine

The chemical involved, as it turns out, is not that hard to synthesize, even though you can't distill it, and mixing it with the ground-up 'stone-powder' mineral blend they use as a cooking ingredient creates 'milk' that is much safer and can be consumed without

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The Aesir Pantheon

Her children are a diverse lot, ranging from feminist activists to stay-at-home mothers, from sensitive metrosexuals to lumberjacks and miners.

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A Dark History, A New Story... (Prologue)

Due to the vast quantity of minerals underground, this continent specializes in mining, all the extracted minerals are then sent to heimat to be forged.

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Long Term Planning

With miners paying in the metals needed to make those coins, this could very much work in our benefit."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 44

Warfang has moles as its citizens, moles are miners, when a miner finds a rich vein he has two options. when he is capable his ingenuity will allow him to construct a device that will help him break through the stone.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Three

Farms fed the miners, textile weavers clothed them, and religious organizations moved in to give them god.

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A Little Cabin in the Woods - Chapter 1

The shell of the egg was composed of a complex mineral compound that was almost indestructible. even cu would have had a tough time breaking the shell, though the mineral offered no protection against molecular disassembly.

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History Lesson - Little Tik Tik

Red spots speckle her pink scales, and nestled in her crown-shaped ridge is a tiny little miner's hat she uses to shine light around the area. "hey, little one!" she says, a giggle on her voice.

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LoS Into The Shadows Ch5

The mineral flowed over his face, hiding the mark around his eye. "i'm sorry, tyrant."he let out an agonizing roar as he began to strip away his memories. ...

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Point proven

The wings were made from a living metal created over the years by absorbing minerals through blood that it was fed by animals and people alike, feebly concerned with darakona's well-being they didn't even wonder where it all went.


IDENTITY CRISIS - The World of I.D. (Prologue)

As such, wearing any of these minerals is seen as a sign of wealth (or arrogance). we trade in forge notes (no banks) and forge coins. a forge is a place to get notes, and to reforge your coins from others into your own currency.

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I put one of my stories in google translate, this is what I got

Complete the survey of the industry in each of the planets, toxins and dissolve completely livable, but it's still useful, but toxic have the opportunity to learn, to better understand the different types of whole world galaxy the world, the earth melted many minerals

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