The Fox of the Frozen North

The cool air gave no comfort as the fox traversed the ground, sensing naught but the chilling breeze that wisped all around; this arcane, frostbitten landscape was what he called home, a desolate place of solitude with endless miles to roam.

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TLoS: The Resurrection of Ferveras CH.0 an introduction.

A dark realm created by rage and malice. beyond the confines of malefor, lies a black fortress, carved from the stone of the surrounding, disjointed landscape.

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Mark The African Wild Dog

Now in the us they made there way to a small town in oklahoma where they worked for a landscaping company. when he was 7 years old his father got sick and died a few months later.

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Spring and Fall: To A Grown Woman

She sat and watched, looking at the picturesque landscape before her of the setting sun against the steely landscape (idly wondering if there was anybody else watching the same sunset) until the cigarette between her fingers burned down to the orange butt

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2. Tarkel Stronghold

They had spent the day peering out the window of their rail-car compartment, pointing at this or that feature in the landscape.


Within another's life (short story)

Light seemed to fade as if someone was turning down the lights till the outside was only a landscape cast in a dark blue light.

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Chapter 1: The Raid

A light mist hung in the air, sweeping over the contours of the landscape like a softly woven blanket. it was also night time, bright lights, obscured slightly by the moisture in the air, glowed dimly from miles away.

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Beasts of the Ancient World - Chapter 1

Beasts of the ancient world #1 beasts of the new world #2 beasts of the changing world #3 1 the spirit of fire mother wind whistled across the landscapes, causing snow to drift forming thick wide ice hills.

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Allow Me to Introduce Myself

The morning sun was already heating the landscape as merchants set up their stalls for the day of bartering, trading, and selling.

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Chapter One

I notice a few squirrels running rampant amongst the barren landscape as they gather acorns in preparation for winter.

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #004 - Reteh

The wall encircles the aletheans territory and appears as a highly detailed mosque landscape.

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How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 3

Unbeknownst to me, a certain skywing queen spotted my pearly white body that sticks out like a sore thumb in this brown landscape and made its way towards the smoke as well with a few dragons in tow.

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