Hell on Earth. Chapter 11
Cheating on the nice lady!" anar almost spat his coffee; "that nice lady stabbed me! she is not my girlfriend! i don't _have_ a girlfriend!" "that bit of paper says otherwise, mate. say's you're a brilliant kisser!" "we kissed once!"
Ragnarok - X
Call us the witchfolk, call me lady, let that serve. for more than that is past recall.
The Balloon Fraternity - The Hunt - Ch. 1
Too bad you didn't get here sooner, but since i'am a nice lady, i'll give you something for your troubles.", the lady said as the mail slot opened and a small box came out. matt saw it and picked it up.
Changed Fates: Crola - Chapter 2
"what do you mean, my lady?"
Gralfon, naked but for his collar, approached the lord and lady. he knelt. "it's been a while since we sent you out on your quest." "yes, lady." "who speaks for this quester?" "i do, lady." "who are you?"
Rebirth ch20
I paid him little mind as i quickly walked out to lady suicune. 'are you hurt my lady. would you like to rest for a bit before the next battle?'
Reynard and the Dragon
Then, he remembered lady idun's face, and nodded to himself.
The Truth Comes Out
lady sakura knocked on hikarume's door. "yes mother." hikarume called back, quickly kicking her bow and arrows under her bed. lady sakura opened the door and smiled at her daughter.
Beware of cougars CH1 Pt2
lady sasha hands her informant a bag that holds silver coins. "thanks for the tip." to the informants great surprise lady sasha disappears right in front of him, as if she was not even there. he says to himself.
Rebirth ch34
'suicune, or lady suicune as you call her. she is one lucky lady to have you so faithful to her.'
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 108: Task And Purpose
The rest of the space on that floor would probably go to lady ursa, lady barq, shira and rhinox. the second floor had nothing but meeting and conference rooms for some reason. not where i would put an infirmary personally.
Little Red Wolf Original - 05
.** **"lady adara," called a satyr who bounded up to them and bowed. "it is so wonderful to see you m'lady." he kissed her hand and she nodded to him.** **"it is wonderful to see you as well, tigums.