The Rose

Into the mirror i see the imperfect being looking closer i realize it's me bleeding from my head to my knees the ashes smeared all over my face and all i see is despair the demons gather around me beating me down to the ground their words, their insults

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Simple plant

I would not feel the pain of insults and stress that stab directly into the softest parts of me. no, i would gather my air, my water, my earth, my sun, and slowly grow from what the world has to offer me.

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A redemption of the soul chapter 7

Dear me, i feel we can go past these hollow insults, i mean, i am part of you anyway" it laughed again and spyro whimpered slightly as the noise bored into him.

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The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter V: The Contract

The khajiit still has a spiteful attitude but i can tell he enjoy the fact that i can take his insults.

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High School and Obedience School

"now pet skunk, pretend i just insulted your master... ouch" pet ferret said as i slapped him in the face. "nobody insults my master!" "i like the energy and loyalty, but i meant tell him off..."

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Until Death - Jump

He mumbled something inaudible, and whether it was an insult or a compliment i didn't dare want to ask at the moment.

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To Tame an Invader

If you think such a diminutive insult will rattle me, especially when delivered behind an army, you are as proud a fool as your sibling." he shot back. "hold your vile tongue!"

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Stone and Wolf (Part 9)

But clearly this trait was easily insulted, for it prepared another strike, taking slow, long steps for the bridge. "die!" the minotaur screamed almost in desperation rather than rage. lyke sprung up onto the railing, holding his own sword ready.

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Wiroch: Genesis

This woman dared to insult him in _his_ kingdom! "how dare you?" he said. "you think i won't get your metals you are severely mistaken. as of now these mountains belong to _me_!"

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The Photographers Apprentice - Chapter eight: The Student becomes the Teacher.

"if you dare insult todd again, you'll be losing these." grabbing a handful of his whiskers with my left paw and tugging on them hard as i watched peter flinch in pain.

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Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 4

This was an insult, but it was an insult that she was going to have to swallow if she wanted help. she could see the two guards she'd spoken to in the corner of her eye, whispering and sniggering about her.

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Know to Understand Chapter 11: The way it’s done.

The ice formed over my hand, as the samurott continued with its insults. "and if i'm not mistaken you're in legion with that wench that insulted my master..." it said as it paused to think about what to do next.

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