A redemption of the soul chapter 7

Story by Draco978 on SoFurry

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#7 of A Redemption of the soul

Hey everyone,

*I'm sorry it took so long but i was finally to get my internet sorted. *

Anyway i'm going to be honest with you all, I am currently feeling like a big load of s***

It's a long story but either way, don't expected regular updates, i just don't have it in me to write. ** Anyway here you go.**

*edit* just cleaned up some of the gramma, spelling errors all that, also i feel a little bit better already, life is funny like that. Also i added more dialog, because i thought i could fit more in.

_ ALSO, English insults at the start Woooo! _


Spyro yelled as he chucked yet another crumpled piece of parchment across the room. He was already beginning to regret taking up gale on the job offer. No idea's came to his mind and he turned to silent cursing.

It was late afternoon, the red light reflecting off the snow. Despite the beauty of the sight Spyro was in no mood appreciate it. A ray of dropped in Spyro's eye and he yelled again.

"Bloody hell! Why can't the world just leave me alone!"

He grumbled dark things to himself out of frustration, suddenly he heard a deep laughing.

"That's quite a temper you've got, you should really learn to control it... especially around children."

Spyro groaned and said coldly.

"You can't influence me! Don't even try!"

The voice just chuckled again.

"Oh but I can, I'm still here aren't I? Dear me, I feel we can go past these hollow insults, I mean, I am part of you anyway"

It laughed again and Spyro whimpered slightly as the noise bored into him.

"Ah yes, all those young innocent children... don't you just wonder what they would feel like as you ran your claws through them? The soft weak scales would be like soft pig skin."

Spyro grabbed his head and shook it rapidly. He snarled to himself as he began to dig his claws in.

"You are just a voice! You are not part of me! My mind isn't perfect but I can still fight past you!"

The voice stopped laughing but it just spoke casually to Spyro.

"Now now, we have been... acquainted with each other for too long for me to just leave. I thought you were going to die, and I couldn't let that happen. i saved your life! Not that slag!...."

It raised it's voice slightly but then it calmed down

"Are we not friends? I mean, you keep me here, you allow me to live inside you"

Spyro kept shaking his head and began to cry, the mix of pain from his claws and hatred for the voice grew and he could barely control the tears.

"Why can't you just leave me? I just want piece in my life... I just want to be happy"

The voice replied in a very matter of fact way.

"No... that would be boring. Watching you squirm is much more pleasing"

It tittered slightly and it said one final thing

"Remember, scales like soft, warm flesh.... You would love it"

The voice stopped and Spyro just kept still, Spyro took his claws away from his head. The room was empty apart from him, Spyro gulped a little and he wiped his face. There was only silence as he felt a smal trickle of blood seep down his face. He made his way to the bathroom and cleaned off the blood, he was deep in thought.

The voice made him do this to himself, it made him hurt himself. Spyro just whimpered slightly as the cut on his head seared in pain. He heard a clicking a the front door then a familiar voice called out.

"Spyro? Are you in here?"

Spyro gave a small sigh of relief as he recognised Cynder's sweet voice, he walked into the main room and went straight up to Cynder, planting a big kiss on her head.

"Hey there Cyn..."

Cynder rubbed her head along his and said quietly.

"Hey Spyro... how are you feeling?"

"Better now you're here"

Cynder smiled slightly and drew her head away, she looked at Spyro and her eyes widened at a small trickle of blood coming from his head.

"What happened?! You're bleeding!"

She panicked a little but Spyro just smiled at her.

"I... I fell over. It's awfully slippy outside, I was just a bit careless."

But Cynder was unconvinced, she looked at the gash and noticed how straight it was.

"Spyro... did you do this to yourself?"

Her voice was full of concern, she gave it a small lick and Spyro winced a bit. But he thenreached out with a wing and stroked Cynder's back.

"Don't worry, it's just a scratch. It will be fine in a couple of minutes."

He pulled Cynder in for a hug and said in a cheery voice.

"How was the rest of the day?"

Cynder relaxed and said back in a weary voice.

"Tiring... I told the rest of the teachers that you would be joining... argh the questions! They wanted to know everything about you! Ember didn't help by saying what an amazing warrior you are..."

She sighed slightly and Spyro snickered a bit.

"What did you tell them?"

Cynder turned his face till it faced her, she smiled as she spoke.

"I said you were the best dragon for the job"

Spyro smiled slightly and Cynder pulled him in and they kissed passionately. Spyro was ready to break up but suddenly Cynder pushed it even deeper. Spyro was taken completely by surprise and Cynder pushed him to the ground, there maws were still connected as Cynder lay on top of him, her tail tightening around his.

There was a slightly growl from Cynder and she pulled away from him. Spyro just blinked slightly in surprise, He stared at Cynder blankly and said.

"Any reason for that?"

Cynder just smirked and rested her head on his chest.

"I saved myself for you... I knew that one day I'd find you and I hoped that would love me when I finally met you again"

She leant in and licked his ear before whispering.

"And thank the ancestors that you still are available."

Spyro just sighed a little and stroked Cynder softly. She purred slightly but Spyro said in a stern voice.

"Cynder, I'm sorry but I can't do anything... physical"

She pulled her head back and looked at him in disappointment.

"Why not?"

She snapped slightly, but Spyro just calmly replied.

"I'm just not ready for anything, you must understand that it is difficult for me."

He licked her cheek but Cynder just stood completely still, Spyro could see the look of immense disappointment on her face.

"Cynder please, it's not that I don't want to be with you, I do and always will. But what if you fall gravid? I couldn't possibly father a child... please don't be angry"

Cynder let her head drop and she muttered.

"I guess I should have expected this, I'm sorry to put you under any pressure."

Spyro just quietly nuzzled her and she slowly slinked off him. She sighed again but Spyro wrapped a wing around her. He said to her.

"It's not you, it's me. Just give it some time."

Cynder remained sad but she managed to work up a bit of a smile.

"I will wait for you... but you'd better be the best furnace in the world or I will be really annoyed with you"

Spyro smiled and said.

"Sure, I can do that"

Spyro let go slowly and Cynder said quietly.

"Well then, thought of anything for tomorrow?"

Spyro shook his head, Cynder gave a grimace then playful shoved him.

"Oh come on! Surely you must have had an idea?"

Spyro shook his head and Cynder let out a long and drawn out sigh.

"You are useless, you just are. Alright then firstly we could....."


They spent the rest of that night planning until eventually they came up with an plan. Though to be honest it was Cynder who did all the planning. Spyro hadn't got a clue on what to do, it took constant reminding from Cynder to keep him up to speed. Still by the time the sun had sunk away and the moon had come out, they had finally brought a plan together.

Spyro was excited again, he was desperate to go over the moves he was going to teach, but after heavy threats he eventually calmed down. Cynder wasn't going to let him ruin the house that soon.

Spyro pawed the ground in anticipation, he was as much of a child as the ones he was so keen to teach.

Cynder would have stayed to watch this cute display but her body need rest. Trying to get Spyro motivated was more tiring than fighting an army of apes. She quietly clambered into bed, she began to wrap herself up again but then remembered Spyro.

Spyro was quickly pulled out of his dream world by a cutting voice.

"Spyro! You promised to be my heater!"

Spyro felt a surge of fear of what she could do to him, he jumped to his feet and dashed into the room. He jumped next to her and made sure that his belly was warm, Cynder snuggled up to him and quietly said.

"Thank you dear... you had better stay warm all night, or i'll rip your tail off"

Spyro gulped slightly and Cynder giggled.


Cynder shut her eyes and before long she was soundly asleep, Spyro however was still pertrified of her threat. His tail trembled a little but before long he too felt too tired to care. He curled up and held Cynder close to him. He loved the feel of her scales, they were so soft yet so tough. He truly loved the dragoness beside him, he started to regret rejecting her offer earlier but in his heart he knew it was the right thing to do.

Cynder's leg twitched in her sleep and Spyro grinned at the cute action, she was dreaming.

He shut his eyes and he too began to dream.

The was a large field, the sun was warm and the grass was soft. A black figure sat in the distance, Spyro knew who it was and began to run towards it.


He called to no reply, he smiled as he ran. But as he approached an awful smell began to fill his nostils, the smell of decay. Spyro's smiled dropped and soon he ran in fear. He approached the body but soon he realised that actually the body was held aloft by a spike through her chest. Spyro rushed and held the dragoness close, he cried as he felt cold, dead scales.

"No!! NO!!!"

He screamed and suddenly the head picked up and looked round to face him, there were no eyes and the holes were full of maggots. Spyro felt physically sick by it but then it spoke in the voice which tortured his mind.

"You did this! You are responsible! You will kill me!"

Then it opened it's mouth and screamed.

Spyro woke up screaming, he was sweating and crying and his voice failed him. He felt an arm grab him and he heard Cynder cry out.

"Spyro! What happened?! Are you ok?!"

Spyro panted a bit but then he laid back down and held hugged Cynder close. He kissed her forehead and said in a shaky voice.

"It was just a nightmare... it was just an awful dream"

He felt Cynder push him away a bit and then grab his head, she seemed to study him but Spyro put a paw on hers and took it away.

"It's ok... I'm fine"

He forced a smile and Cynder seemed to relax, he nuzzled her softly and shut his eyes once more. Cynder rested her head on his chest and said.

"Spyro if you need to tell me something... I'm always here for you"

Spyro just replied simply.

"Lets just get to sleep, I think were both going to need the energy, I love you, you know that right, I'd never hurt you"

Cynder giggled slightly and said in a much more relaxed voice.

"I know."

I actually wrote this when feeling really down, so it is kinda a hit and miss whether i'll be bothered to change it, either way I pimp slapped my head into getting over my troubles. There not gone, but they seem less important, if you know what i mean. As a note updates will not be as frequent as they used to be, but i hope that you like them


till next time