E.U.R.O Chapter 5

The buildings were identical, small very modern blocks, the doorway and what could be observed to be glass walls around the hallway and compact parlour.

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Shattered Dementions: Dementia

They had met less than an hour ago, and already he was creating this superhero identity, for lack of better term. was this some random test? he hinted at that. the view from above was...well...amazing.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 14

A dangling identity. _ark_, she said in her head. three letters; infinite possibility. but there was a link between him and emeral, she just had to find it.

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Character Sheet: Eros.

Eros eventually decided he'd try to live a normal life and try to continue keeping his low profile about his real identity, and slowly began to approach people.

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Reality-Bending Cat

Most of the bedrooms were identical to each other, right down to having identical furniture laid out in an identical pattern. the only difference was the condition of the furniture in each room. some pieces were in slightly better shape than others.

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Slave Pacification (1)

The ceiling, floor and walls were all identical in color, or rather identical in their absence of color, the entire room was grey.

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Chapter 2: New Neighbors

It seemed to me that everything around me was the same, the school and my neighborhood being almost identical; my friends were almost all alike--except tyrone, and kevin of course.

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Pool Crasher

It was identical, albeit an inflatable one, to the youngest of the pair of dragons that flew over town from time to time. this started to worry the wizard.

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Lost Bird (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the pigeon let out an exasperated sigh, glancing between his comms device and the fifth identical hallway of the orbital station.

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MONDAY, a Metamor Keep Story

"aren't identical twins cute?" "we're not cute!" the twins protested and then realized speaking in duet probably was cute.

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Secret Rendezvous

Her long black coat concealed most of her typically skimpy outfit, with only her blue boots hinting at her identity. soon the b.o.s. agent from britain would be here.

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Whether good or bad joyous or sad the memories will stay and we shall live on helpless a constant haunt and bliss hopeless unable to change forever a remembrance the memories cherish it like our identity

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