Balto Fanfic.

.** un difícil invierno azotaba el territorio de alaska, en las montañas habitaba una hermosa loba tan blanca, como la nieve que cubría los árboles, sus ojos amarillos divisaron una cueva, al fin había encontrado donde dar a luz a su camada.


Sueños de un amor lejano

€" â¿por fin te vas a cambiar de sexo? â€"pregunta alan, pero daniel lo calla de un almohadazo. â€"gracias, dani. â€"cuando quieras.

Hope; Belief. (Prologue)

I could not be more blest, and why has this fortune rested upon my fins, you ask? because i believe in hope.

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Jasmine the Indomitable (teaser)

My hands are now pectoral fins for i am now a bottle nosed dolphin. _eeeeee click click click eeeeee!_ yes, that is how i laugh now. confused?

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An Anthro's Tale-Cahpter 1-Our Stroy

Sometimes kids make fin of me,other times they give me dirty looks,sometimes i even get beat up for it. it's not fun being bi-eyed,belive me,but there are far worse thing's that can happen to you.

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Quiet Awakening (Welded Sunset)

~ along one of the original frequencies she had used, the eagle explained, "", before he closed the remaining distance to bring claws to bear against one of her fins and begin to pull her

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2022's Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Fanon of Storage stored by Toon Part Collectors.

And bowtie jojo's hat (from jojo's circus) tito turtle's sombrero gus gorilla's bowler hat and tie arty aligator's beret ozzie ostritch's beak siren sara's wings kirito's sword sisu's horn and tail forky's googly eyes ruby gilman's hair and ear fins

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Lost in The Void - Chapter 2

I had to carry you to medical where doctor fin decided it was best to put you back under so she could properly revive you.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 5

Four thin, blade like fins sit near the bottom of the rocket. the trailing edge of the fins sits out past the body. out of sight inside the nosecone lies a vast array of sensors.

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The Interpol Files: A Precarious Prohibition

He splashed around and paniced as he saw the large, black fin heading towards him. "oh god, it's heading for me! sweet mother of jesus!" patrick screamed, trying to tread water and waving his arms.

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