This, is MY story Part 2

"_oh shit, she's drunk too,_" he thought to himself. "um, now mom i-i can explain." "explain what? that you hate me? that you wish you lived with my "perfect" older brother? that you wish i was dead?

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Redemption (Chapter Two)

Brad was also arrested for being drunk in public and disorderly conduct.

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Winter's day (WIP)

Jeremiah frowns and looks around at the messy tables and the drooling drunks. "you can't honestly say that this is the life you want. serving disrespectful drunks and being a slave to a family." he says with a disappointed tone.

A simple story I ( 19/22 )

And john did not mean drunk. this does not prevent daisy to make him feel her wrath once they returned home. it was not even lunch time, and he was drunk to the point of forcing the police to intervene !

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Everything Or Nothing capter 7 - Late for dinner

She looked sceptically at the red vine, she had a tendency of getting drunk, not really _that_ drunk...okey a tad too much _sometimes_.

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Wench (Kreet 16)

There's a hell of a lot worse out there than pouring drinks and rousting drunks." "there is," kreet agreed as she followed him down the ladder. "um... gator," he said as she hopped off onto the ground. "hmm?"

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Second Sight: Chapter Fourteen: Burning City

You must be drunk." "i'm not drunk." i retorted. "this girl - she said she was called sarra, or arpeggio. i just know that if i can go back there, i can find out what happened-." "you must be insane." vern cut me off.

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Black Sepia - chapter 2

"'m drunk," slurred aziraphale, staring up at crowley. crowley blinked at him. "you're drunk, at 8am on a wednesday?" "seemed like a good idea 'bout eleven last night." "you've been drunk for nine hours."

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Pitch Episode 40: Tricks and Treats

From the look of the room, people also enjoyed breaking stuff like a junkyard, getting drunk, and stealing shit. "both are easier to do without all these people around," velmer retorted.

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Cadi, Chapter 4

She thinks it'll help her keep from getting carried away and getting drunk. you should have _seen_ her this morning when she staggered into the restaurant... she was so drunk... the first bit of magic was...

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 26

As drunk as he is i would rather you had brought him back with you! rachel what were you thinking, he could get hit by a car or something! we need to go find him, now!"

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Somehow i'm drunk on something i don't want to admit what. i ignore it and i forgot what it was. drunk on love, they say. it can't be that easy. these things are never easy. but i know i'm not the only one.
