Will of Chrome (Chapter 1, Ashfall)

It was dangerous to go into hibernation mode during a black blizzard, but conservation of energy was a necessity. there was not much one could do if something did happen, anyway. it was all forces of nature during one of the rolling ash storms.

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Rain's Lullaby - part 1

His fridge had a can of conserved green peas in it and all the cabin had a plastic bag with dried mushrooms that his mother had given him. "mother..." sid hadn't really given his parents any thought since he transformed. "oh shit...

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The Most Dangerous Hunt (Story)

The dragon was extremely conservative about his attire, so this was a change he was going to have to deal with for now. turning around, he and another creature were currently stuck on a rooftop and out of ideas.

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Wasteland Survivor – Building and tearing down - ch4

Forget scientific study, forget conservation, this is survival of the fittest. and as far as i can tell, you are the most fit pair we have who can deal with these."

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The End

Martial artists are the best people to train you in its use as they teach you the best way to conserve the energy and teach you how to use it to use it to its full potential with short arcane chants to direct to flow of it.

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Hard Landing

_ not high, i decided; the fact that i was even _in_ a parallel universe defied everything i thought i knew about physics, starting with the law of conservation of energy, and in any case there were an infinite number of them and probably no reliable way

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Ch. 16 -- Welfare Check

Mira was much more conservatively dressed than when they had last met. she still wore a one piece white dress draped over one shoulder, but it was no longer transparent, and was held in place by a large silver brooch.

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It wasn't likely, he seemed so sheltered, probably brought up by a conservative family with conservative values in a small town somewhere where everyone shared the same religion and sexual orientation.

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Stone and Wolf (Part 4)

They set a brisk pace northward, but slow enough to conserve crag's energy. lyke kept low as the shadows and trees went past. he had been unhorsed... or un-cated by a low hanging limb a couple times. this would be a bad time to have that happen.

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The Fireborn: Prologue

It is not my job nor the job of the staff or moderators to be the parents of today's youth, but given how this country and others are run by bleeding heart liberals and psycho conservatives there's no one left to be real parents.

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Ragnarok - III

But this was written, mostly, while i was still living with deeply bigoted family, enrolled in a conservative college, and under an explicit 'there is no legitimate reason to ever know any information about queer people or feminist theory' policy, so the only

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E.U.R.O Chapter 1

"you're an idiot arthur" the huskute growled at himself "great idea, tell your conservative traditionalist parents you're gay... works a charm" he stopped, and shook his head he began worrying that he was now talking to himself, arguing with himself even.

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