High school charm

chime: are you sure this is going to work right yackshime? yackshime: yeah you betcha when we get back home ill give you a sweet gift chowlee: do we really have to do this?

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The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King- ch 1 Link to the Present

The alarm chimed for us to head to class. we rushed inside, this being the best and most favored of all our classes. pe. also known to us as fight class.

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I hear its march and chime and if you now just listen close you'll see it still yet shines. now as one, we will stand tall, against these men of pain, against all those who hurt our joy, who bring tears like the rain.


Two Grumps At Pride

"i'm with sissel on this one" philip chimed in, "i have things to do, duties to fulfill." "philip, this is one day out of a whole month" owen said, atypically serious, "you can do that stuff later."

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Track and Field: Part 18 - Black Magic Woman

"come on, son," uncle arthur sighed as he laid down his trusty blacksmith's hammer, a soft, chime-like ring rippling through our tent as the tool daintily struck his anvil.

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Still smiles the same, & hugs with what seems good intent but her eyes show cloudy storms of building resentment seems we both had sights on another, but neither could say fair well now, we quietly yell in our shared self-made hell the bells chime

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Gotta Catch a Bear! -Gift Story-

Beep, bleep" it chimed on. ''it only gives its all against strong opponents who are not fazed by the glare from serperior's noble eyes.'' the voice continued.

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Chapter 12 - The Rescue

Soulfox finally chimed in after a while. "there's nothing to say," deadeye replied. "geist and i wanted to visit the church, you volunteered to take us."

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Luca's Story Ch. 6

"well obviously that's not the case," beccah chimed in. randal didn't even seem to notice the intrusion. over the past week, rebeccah had become much closer to the reingold family.

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 10)

Syne's voice chimed into my head. i looked towards the windows to see him staring out into the distance. _i must say that it was a dominating performance nonetheless._ i lay down immediately enjoying the rest.

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Mutants (Chapter 3)

She chimed as he cocked his head a bit. "it's locked." he stated bluntly, then heard a strange giggle.

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A Christmas Truce

Faintly, through the french dusk, i caught the sound of chimes from the village five miles distant. funny to think of all those frenchies going about their business while we were stuck in a trench.

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