Scourge Second Life part 7

Scourge paused, pain clouded his gaze, he had fallen in love with the beautiful she cat, but her medicine cat duty had ripped her from his grasp."she never let her injury stop her from being a pain."

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Scourge Second Life part 6

A few moments later the medicine cat returned with some herbs and fresh cobwebs, he began to replace the cobwebs while adding a mixture of herbs beneath them. barkface suddenly sat back with a sigh. "that's all i can do for now." the medicine cat meowed.

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A Start to A New End

Medicine cat-doepelt, a dark tan she-cat with a light tan belly and has spots on her back, much like a doe. warriors-moonnose, a black she-cat with a white splash like a quarter moon around her nose.

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The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 4 - Training

#4 of warrior cats and another one out. yeah, yeah, yeah. spear me !!!! i know that a cat hasn´t survived a snake bite yet but please be indulge.

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The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 1 - Prolog

And each cat became silent again but the damage had been done. the things that the warriors had dropped were three death rabbits and it was obvious for each cat of who killed them.

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The Harbinger: Prologue (Part 2 of 2)

It's peaceful here, and i've managed to make trips to nearby human towns, where they don't understand the curse of the black cat. they've taught me a few things, including about clothes, money, and a few weapons, as well as teaching me how to read!

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A story inspired by warriors about a human who finds herself transformed into a cat and rushed into the life of a clan cat. work in progress. i looked down at the cat on the table as i walked in the room and put gloves on my hands.

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Ninja Kitty (A Poem)

The following is a poem i wrote for a friend of mine awhile back. I decided to share it with you all. Have a nice read! (^.^) Ninja kitty, Silent, deadly, Smart, kunning, Flying through the shadows, ALways invisible, stalking his prey, The...

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The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 6 - A New Clan is Born

A stone way was going over the canyon and on the opposite was only one cat standing. he didn´t even heard some voice like always until the cat on the other side began to speak.

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Chapter Fifteen - A Cat Among Mice

"i... don't think i've been a cat long enough to want to sit in boxes." i laughed. "then stay a cat for like, a while." cammy said. "i want to see you do weird cat stuff." "weird cat stuff?" i asked as i tilted my head at her. "like what?"

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Cat's Cradle(teaser) - Furtual Horizons

#3 of teasers a teaser of my story 'cat's cradle' in furtual horizons a lone cybernetic ninja tiger breaks into a heavily secure office tower.

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A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Ep7

#8 of a cat among the stool-pigeons dafydd experiences an unexpected change in his life and closes out the case.

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