Hero, Chapter 6 - And into the Frying Pan

Reya could hear everyone rush down the creaking wooden steps into the basement. things got kind of quiet for a minute before, as reya expected, the small group of animals were jostled out of the basement.

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Chapter 1 - The Secret of The Mechanical Pony

"well as i said in my letter i had an accident with an experiment i was doing and it caused a small explosion to accrue in my basement, revealing a hidden door leading to a tunnel.

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The Diary of Marriah

She told me to go into the basement in two days and kill her pet. i am really scared right now. i think i'll try running tonight. 5-10-1967 i went to the basement today and i found out that her "pet" was a grown man. i told her that i would not do it.


Dragon Blade: Part I

I explained as we both walked to the basement of my home. see, jansen and i have been friends for many years and he's tried a number of my over the years.


The Morning After (Part 1)

"thank god i was in the basement" he thought to himself, his jaw wide open. looking around to piece together what had happened, he saw a pile of rubble where he normally parked his motorcycle. "oh hell no!"


Cursed Hearths; Prologue (English)

"the basement ..." replied douglas, "t-the basement ??...okay..." said the arbok puzzled.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 9-Unlikely Ally

We cleared one foot at a time as every zombie in the basement was alerted to our presence.

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The life of a cub (Part 1)

They walked down another set of stair, being the intelligent woman she was, she quickly realized they were walking down in to the basement. "you keep kids in the basement?"

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Balthier immediately put me into his basement upon arrival. he told me the if army was going to come out of the jungle soon and that his basement was probably the safest place for me and a few others. he then closed the doors on me and shut us in.

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Undertow : Prologue -- Chapter 5 - Christmas

"yea," i responded, walking behind the staircase towards the door to the basement. during holidays, whenever we had visitors over, we'd normally fix the basement up to deal with the extra people in the house.

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The Machine | Chapter 1 [Comm]

Jenny was lucky that her basement was as vast as it was, as the machine towered over him.

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Under the Gun

The basement was only accessible from the outside. that's how old the house was. through the outside, through a big wooden door in the ground. which led to a space beneath the kitchen.
