Hunting Death- Departure

#3 of hunting death **departure** when one of us starts off on our pilgrimage it is always a rather somber affair.


"The Thin Line," Part BB

An old rabbit-femme was working busily at the organ, a tiny affair that had probably seen much service, and better days.

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Lying Figure In Mirror

No need to beat a dead horse, and trust me: i know you're thinking that too, so let's move on from my affairs with such low beings, eh?

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The machine was an extremely complicated affair. a charged dark energy pulse was fired into a series of amplifier rings, which opened a small hole in time-space.

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Felix Explains: The Dhrag

In the years following this development, atlas became the technological center of the diahian continent and began to influence the political and social affairs of every nation known at the time.

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Drako Tygon- chapter 6

I left tornado out because he had his hands full with foreign affairs. i started the search in the middle east, because those were probably his only allies.

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The Visitor

Whenever mistress shiya came into the workman's shop, it was always an interesting affair. she had business more like than not, but had grown fond of master hodges, sometimes coming over simply to visit.

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1:4 Loyalties

"when i have reason to be concern about your affairs with a rival organization. i thought we had an understanding." hets replied in an acidic tone, however did not lose his placid outer appearance. alias scoffed amused. "understanding?

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Day 1

I set off to find the most expensive looking eatery, it was a coushy sit down affair with an almost incomprehensible menu, and ordered a... steak.


Decrpypting a Fox

It was a simple affair and would be easy to crack. it was the security further in that would make trouble. an alarm would sound if he tried to pull the keypad off and get at the connections beneath.

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The noblemen who decided about the service had their own secret affairs they didn't really want revealed, their own plans they didn't want compromised and positions they didn't want endangered.

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