New Year's Wish (Anthro Polar Bear TF/TG/MC) [TRADE]
He let out a sigh, looking up at the stars was one of his ways of relaxing back in wisconsin. however, he spotted a spark in the sky. a shooting star. jack looked up at it in wonder. it was almost like he was home in wisconsin again.
Steel Wheels, Iron Horses Preface
I hope others from wisconsin who read this will recognize the locations, even though some will have different names.
Beer Brawl
"we're heading for wisconsin." the state of wisconsin borders two of the five great lakes and is known for its breweries, its love of displaying motorcycles and probably more types of cheeses than paris and rome combined.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 9-Race Prep
"i can't wait to get to wisconsin,this is gonna be epic." "wonder what kind of competition there will be?" i asked.
My life in a nutshell
This is dedicated to my darling mate vincent banks it's a good thing that i'm in the kitchen my parents are arguing and bitching "why the fuck is he going to wisconsin?
musket prologue: chapter 5
#2 of musket this is the final upload of the prologue. hopefully soon i will upload the intro of the main part for the series **joshua,** **deserter, 7th regiment, minnesota** **somewhere between minnesota and wisconsin,** **november 16th, 1862** **
musket prologue: chapter 4,
#5 of musket this is a major part in the story of musket susan townsfolk, seamstress, wisconsin october 6th, 1862 dear joshua, i have some grave news to tell you, last week your father had fallen gravely ill. it would take all of his strength to sit
SPECIAL: Fur Squared 2014 Wrap-Up
Tommyfox: it was tundra con because alkali had the ingenious idea of holding a furcon in february in wisconsin during the polar vortex. (a ferret wearing a top hat walks into the room) alkali bismuth: would you like to run this con?!?
Ayasha's Adventure - Chapter one - The Reservation
This was my third time visiting my family on the reservation in wisconsin and upon my arrival i was immediately surrounded by the children of the village. _"ayasha!"_ they would scream _"have you returned to tell us more stories?"
A Furry Love Story - The Burning Spotlight
I thought the problem was bad in minnesota, but it was much worse anywhere else i've ever been (especially wisconsin). so i did what most other people did: i took my angst to the internet. at first no one listened or looked at it.
The Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 12: Reflections of Passion (part 3)
"man, if only you knew how much i actually love you." i said quietly and turned around logging on to i looked over some of the news and noticed something. that shepherd from my dream. with 4 other furs under the headline 'new wisconsin band takes
The Real Rain Part one
The day is bright and cheery, which is the exact opposite of the mood in the big, blue ranch stile house in wisconsin of one miss. rain muzzle.