My life in a nutshell

Story by spring87 on SoFurry

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This is dedicated to my darling mate Vincent Banks

It's a good thing that I'm

in the kitchen

my parents are arguing and bitching

"Why the fuck is he going to Wisconsin?

that stupid husky isn't going without our permission"

I want to tell them

so much and so bad

I'm gay

Sorry mum and dad

I really afraid of their reaction

I want to visit him

my love and attraction

I've tried to hide the real

reason, its not fiction

why I want to visit my love

and addiction.

I'll sell my guitars and maybe

my car

I sorely want to be with you

my love from afar

I want to meet you my

darling shepherd

if I go through pain

then I know that it cant hurt

I really am trying

I know that I can

my darling shepherd

is American

A lot of my straight friends

will stay away

knowing that their best friend

is gay

I only wish that love

had no borders

I want to see him

not the fearmongers

My darling Vincent

I am trying the best

I know when I post this

you are having a rest

I just want to tell you

as best as I can

I really love you

I will see you when I can