4 Voice
I can go by myself to save the voice." giarien shook her head. "i have to help. it's dangerous even for you alone. i've been hearing the voice from the mountains for years, i would hate to abandon it in its time of need.
3 Voice
#3 of voice questions? criticism? comment away! :) there were once three dragon species which thrived on their corners of the great world known as pangrandin.
2 Voice
It's a bit silly, but i'm freeing the voice." hunter's brow raised even further. "the voice?" "well, perhaps avians can't hear it, but i have a high-sensitivity to such things.
1 Voice
#1 of voice this is a rough draft, but feel free to read ^^ questions? criticism? comment away! her name is pronounced jee-ar-eeh-en . a voice emanated from the mountains. it was a droning and humming voice, deep and warm and tired.
The Voice Within: Coming to Reality
"i know that you are a false voice brought on by a near death experience." the voice fell silent for a moment. _"now now my girl, you know all too well that i am just as much a part of you."_ the voice giggled for s short moment.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 5 - Intense Practice
I'm no longer speaking to the voices inside my- voices?! i'm going crazy! _nope. wish you would be though._ after that, nothing. no comments. no witty remarks and more importantly, no prothero. i press my head on the pillow and sigh deeply.
Introduction to The Lone and Level Sands Stretch Far Away
#53 of poetry so, when you submit a story to be read on the voice of dog, assuming it's long enough to be split into two parts, you're expected to write a little "here's what was in part 1" summary, for the host to read to catch the listener back up since
But these voices won't allow that so why are they still here? i'm hearing voices in my head i don't know what to do. i feel i'm going crazy i don't know what to say. these voices won't go away they talk to me daily as i think of my life.
_ **voices** _ '_dear jiri,. thanks for taking the time to meet us the other day to discuss our line cook vacancy.
:d the voices in my head belong to all my friends, a viking here, an officer there egos all around. refreshed anew by this lead, a soldier bellows 'this is the end!' as i pull out my hair, and roll onto the ground.
The Voice
Huma said while rubbing him temples from the booming voice in his head. "get up now! the back door, to your left. go out of it now!" the voice boomed again "quit yelling and why?" huma said. his head throbbing from the voice.
Well After All
The deep voice laughs a familiar laugh. the dragon smiles "by god! reichen is that really you?!" the deep voice chuckles once again "who else would it be? unless you have another best friend." this time the voice was teasing and playful. "ethel!