Facts About The Anu Elohim
Reason: i don't like reading the bullshit written about us in conspiracy theory and ufo sites.
Black Project Files Chapter 14: Roswell part 2
. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ at the ufo wreck site 12:44:45pm 20 miles away from the ranch: covered trucks and jeeps at the ufo crash site, a crowd
SciFi, Nico and Pancho Meet a Friend From Far Away
I am looking at a civet, a meerkat and unidentified furry creatures, about five of them, aboard the ufo. over", 10-c's pilot radioed. "17-c to base.
Zikita: chapter 1
Th flaying ship did not look like we draw ufo like for some twenty years ago. it look more like a space ship from the movie star wars or star trek. a voice come from the ufo. it sound was a deep mans voice that said in english.
I'm still waiting for bill engvall to visit me and say, "here's your sign" **visitors** you ever see a ufo?
Tyrannosaurs are peeping-Toms… and pranksters too
This is best viewed as a .pdf file, downloaded from [http://www.disclosuree.com/RozakTyrannosaur.pdf](http://www.disclosuree.com/RozakTyrannosaur.pdf) . Tyrannosaurs are peeping-Toms... and pranksters too by Mike Rozak Copyleft...
Death's Hand
They would escort the ufo, make radio contact with the crew and force her back, or shoot her from the sky. simple. they turned smartly, in sync, and marched to their awaiting dragons.
Play Me a Song Ch: 2
I stood up and walked to my closet on the left side of the room; i opened it and pulled out my ufo pants with black and white clash marks, my leather midriff vest, and my leather bracers and cuffs for my forearms.
Venturing: Same Ticks
You mean those round circular things that looked like ufos?" the owner asked, i narrowed my eyes looking deadpanned. oh how much i wanted to kill this guy and rule this case as closed.
Attack of Hentitties
The Feline Hentittes Story begins on a big house that was owned by an earthling male feline named Tydrian who appeared to be somewhat of a playboy, or in this case a playcat, who seemed to have many girls living with him. A white arctic wolf...
An Ode to Canada
With towering red-woods, centuries old, to reports of ufo's and bigfoot, or so i'm told. movie stars flock to vancouver's lights, with movies filmed in "hollywood north" soaring to great heights.
840 On Movie Night
Niphur) tonight is movie night and so they are watching 'overture', an underappreciated cult film that somehow nonetheless managed to attract the acting skills of leonardo decaprio, despite its being a modern take on, and homage to, the classic ufo