Does it really matter?

Yes it really matters. Yes, it hurts inside. Yes, to all the fees and care to heal my broken mind. Yes, to doctor's visits. Yes, to DMV. Yes, to lines unending, so at last I can be. Yes, I say, or tell myself, the one who hurts inside,...

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#2 of transition stories 2)transitions this time she did not let herself sink into depression, though someone else may have sunk even lower after such despair.

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**transitions** **by mog moogle** the sunlight streamed through the blinds of the master bedroom on the third story of the victorian house. it was not far from the historic downtown district of the midwestern town.

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Online Dateing chapter 5: The beginning of the rest of our lives

"So.... What should we do now?" Will asked. The two of us are sitting on a hill. School had ended the day before and now we were both high school graduates. We had both sent out applications for the same...

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Paul dans le métro

La station du métro dans laquelle il attendait était vaste, plus vaste que n'importe quel endroit il avait déjà visité dans le passé. Il pouvait entendre des discussions étouffées par la ventilation, mais ne savait pas d'où venaient celles-ci. Il...

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The transition ch2.

#3 of the transition **"creator, i said i'm not that way!!!," jake said cradling the fire-arm in** his paws, "but..." "look creator i love you more than anything the world has to offer but i'm not..."


The transition ch1.

#1 of the transition "goodbye old friend,' i said lowering my best friend into the dumpster i've had my fursuit for the better part of 15 years.

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Moments of Transition

Would take ... so many moments of transition. but she would see to it that he flowered. but she loved him ... and he loved her. and they both loved their child ... love ... ... would see them through.

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Endings and Transition

Unity. It's an odd concept to associate with ninja, but the old adage is true: no man is an island. It takes both teacher and student to learn, at least two parties to have a contract, and assassination without a victim is just suicide. It's the last...


The Sunset Transition

"this is the transition time, where your kingdom and mine come together. i'm not nearly as dominant as i will be once it is fully night-time, but it's enough." "enough for what?" "you can guess, little day."

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Warm Hearts, Warm Hugs (Short)

Finn turned around to have their back facing the standing mirror, paws trembling just a bit as they took a steadying breath, their heart pounding in their chest. The buizel screwed their eyes shut as they did, worry overtaking them just a bit, their...

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Chapter One - The Transition

#1 of back for revenge the transition i stood in a large dark cavern warmly lit with the glowing auras of magicks i have never seen before.

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