005 Stranded But Not Lost

There's her small torch as well... wait. didn't this thing have some sort of extra functionality, just like the bracelet?

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The Torch is Lit

#14 of poems the torch is lit the gauntlet thrown the steel glints in darkness and now it comes to us at last to defend 'gainst this harshness.

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Passing of the Torch

"Do you know why I called you to come over, my son?" the fox asked, before drinking some water with some of his rheumatoid arthritis medicine. Grasping the bottle of water was a challenge for his old and enfeebled body. "No sir, I have no idea why...

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Passing the Torch (Act1, Book2, Chapter19)

**chapter -19- passing the torch** _twenty minutes later_... ** reno nevada ran his hands back through his jet-black hair.** he knelt over the body of the old man. his eyes lifted to sinopa and jules.

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Revolution | Chapter XXVI: Torch and Burn

_Arthur_ I had a hard time keeping my stomach from turning inside out. Why was I feeling sick about this? I had to kill people a lot of time and it didn't bother me on the battlefield, so why was I getting sick about seeing a lady shoot and fall...

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Angel and the Dark Demons

"no i checked the weather report it's not supposed to rain for a few days... damn my torch is going i thought i put new batteries in it!" angel barked angrily at her failing torch.

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The Coffin: Part 1

Crouching behind a large rock, marcus dug a torch out of his bag and lit it with a tindertwig. it took but a single strike against the stone to light the twig, and then light the resinous torch. he couldn't hold lily with the torch, so he drew nimbus.

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After the war: A rough journey

Cynder flushed even brighter red and torch scolded himself. "naughty torch! oh i'm sorry dear! i didn't mean to embarress you!

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Ransom Soul (2013)

Where's the torch? i must find the torch!_ in a panic ryan's hands scurried over the ground, searching desperately for his missing torch. he felt lots of dirt, broken pieces of wood and then his torch.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 19

Shadows passed by on his left and right, carrying torches that spluttered and flickered as flakes of snow fell past them, torches that threw even more shadows across the ground and between the trees, trees that leaked inky black shadows that slowly spun around

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Hasquet request: Chapter 3

I got a torch and two rocks. i swiped the two rocks together a few times until the torch lit with fire. "wow!" \_\_\_\_\_ said on awe. "how did you do that with just two rocks?" "some human skills just have to be learnt to be approved."

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