Angel and the Dark Demons

Story by DarknessWolf on SoFurry

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A large flash of lighting illuminated the pitch black of the small bedroom, which was soon followed by a loud rumbling sound. Even though the curtains of this room were closed the bright blue light easily pierced through. A small child of only eleven resided underneath the sheets of his supposedly safe bed. Fear was harshly incited into the heart of the furry child as sounds different from the ones outside growled lowly in the dark. The flashing illumination of the lighting outside was the only sanctity for the child. Poking his head just above the covers so his eyes could survey his immediate surroundings he could see nothing out of the ordinary. Another flash lit up the room and for a split second, shadows fluttered all over the walls making the little wolf hide beneath the covers. The rumbling of thunder seemed closer than before almost like it was there with him. The bad weather seemed to subside, which sealed the fate of the little one. Shakily he stretched a paw towards his bedside cabinet and pulled out a torch, which was quickly flicked on with a snap. Hiding once more under the covers the torch bathed the underside of the protective sheets in a heavenly yellow light. For now at least he was safe, with light burning like a candle the child mustered his bravery and decided to take a peak above his covers. Slowly lifting the covers off down to his feet he held the torch and scanned his room. There was no more noise coming form anywhere as he listened carefully to the tiniest of sounds. Without warning the torchlight flickered and disappeared leaving only blackness, the domain of the beast. He desperately whacked at the torch but it was far to late. With a sudden amount of force he felt himself being quickly pulled to the bottom of the bed by his ankles.

"MUM..." was all he could manage to scream through a muffled muzzle, then silence. Maybe if his parents were a little lighter on their feet they would have been just in time. Just in time to hear a faint chewing noise from underneath their child's bed.

Friday morning, although a very difficult one to rise from it did mean that the next couple of mornings you wouldn't have to. Angel arose from her restless night of sleep and immediately turned off her lamp, which had been on all night. If either of her parents found that she had left it on all night she'd be in for it. The past few nights she had been haunted by what she thought was just nightmares and had been getting little sleep. Being 16 something like nightmares were of a rare occurrence. Looking at the time she realised she should really get up but couldn't be bothered. Rolling over onto her side she closed her sleepy eyes wanting nothing more than to forget she ever woke up. That was of course never going to happen.

"Angel get your furry butt out of bed!" a voice yelled outside the door disturbing her. Moments later the door was opened and her angry looking stepmother scowled towards the small lump in the bed. She did not move from the doorway quite comfortable she could get her point across from the other end of the room. Her stepmother's name was Annette, but Angel liked to call her 'Cow.'

"If you don't get that tail out of bed now I'm not taking you to school and you'll be late!" her stepmother shouted furiously at the mound of daughter sticking out from the top of bed. Angel did not budge although she did listen to her mother's threats. To most people it would seem strange for a teenager of 16 to get a lift from their parents, but in the small town it wasn't. Not wishing to start an argument she slammed the door shut with some force. Knowing she was now alone she slipped a paw outside her sheet and stuck her middle finger up towards the door. She knew very well she needed to get up but didn't want to give her mother the satisfaction of waking by her orders. So after waiting a few minutes Angel did finally slip out of bed to her footpaws. There was that special advantage that came with showering the night previous, it meant she doesn't have to waste time having one in the morning. Angel was a classic orange coloured fox with a white furred belly; tail tip and her long sensitive ears also had a tip of white. She would always wear a Christian cross necklace around her white-ruffed neck. She was not a hardcore Christian believer she always wore it because it reminded her of her birth mother who gave it to her on her deathbed.

A quick application of clothes and necklace later she was ready for a rather prompt breakfast. Heading away from her wardrobe and towards the door she was still quite tired. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her paws to try and get rid of the morning blindness. Her muzzle opened wide as she made a loud yawn stretching out her arms and bearing her teeth slightly. She stumbled forward losing her balance a bit but managed to save herself by putting out a foot paw to keep her balance. She headed towards her closed door and turned the handle to open it up.

"Angel..." an echoing grumbling voice rasped behind her making her swivel around rapidly. Not seeing what made the noise she shrugged her shoulders pinning it down to sleepiness and padded out the door.

Slumping down the staircase past her mother to the kitchen she arrived to the warm greeting of her father, Gabriel. They hugged each other with a glowing amount of affection. Angel loved her real father because he was the only one of her two parents that was ever nice to her. It was not that Annette hated her they just didn't get along. She didn't understand why her father felt he needed another women in his life after the death of his wife; Angels real mum 10 years ago.

"You're not being very nice to your mum are you, she told me how you acted this morning," he said with a somewhat seriousness in her voice. Tattle tale was all Angel could think at the time. She sat quietly at the table eating her bowl of tasty corn flakes.

"She's not my mum," she mumbled harshly scowling down at her cereal prodding at it with her spoon. Gabriel peered past his reading glasses at her with a very serious look trying to make eye contact, which was avoided by a miffed Angel.

"You know I'm going camping with Tammy tomorrow night don't you?" Angel asked her father trying to lighten the situation.

"Yes of course I do, you best get moving or Annette isn't going to take you," Gabriel said reinforcing her earlier warning. Angel was ready just in time to be given a lift and an uncomfortable car trip later she arrived at school to attend her Sixth Form classes.

"Hey Angel how's it going," Angels best friend Tammy called to her from the parked car beside her. Tammy was a Tabby cat with ginger and brown fur all over from head to tail.

"Nothing much the only thing is I haven't been sleeping right for the past few nights," She smiled trying to conceal her actual concern about the last few nights.

"Now that you mention it I haven't been sleeping very well either," Tammy said acknowledging the fact that neither of them had slept well.

"It's weird because you remember it was 5 years ago when Ben disappeared from his bedroom in the middle of the night," Angel spoke with a slight stutter as she had a silly girlish crush on him back then.

"We best get to the Sixth Form Common room if we want to catch Karina before she heads to class," Tammy changed the depressing subject with a reminder where they were. It was only a short walk to the Common room so they were there in minutes. There were many other furs in the room already but it would not be difficult to find Karina through the small crowds.

"Karina, over here," Tammy shouted as she spotted the sandy coloured Puma Karina across the room groping her boyfriend Mark who was a rather large blue wolf. They both replied with a wave and walked over towards Angel and Tammy.

"How's things guys," Mark greeted with a small smile but paid more attention to Karina than anything else. It was strange to meet a guy like Mark, he wasn't too bright but he was great at sports and plays for the schools rugby team. He is of course ripped to no end, the unusual part is that he is a really nice guy. Stereotypically people like that or 'Jocks' to Americans are not usually the nicest denomination people (no offence).

"Have you two been sleeping alright lately you two?" Angel decided to be very straightforward. Karina and Mark just looked at each other with a naughty smile and a giggle from Karina, there were obviously not taking the question seriously.

"Stop being dirty you two I mean it," Angel said trying her best to be angry with them but couldn't help crack a smile as well.

"Actually no I haven't and Mark was just saying that he hadn't either," Karina said finally collecting herself.

With school hours finally over the weekend could formally begin. All four friends were together just outside the main gates.

"I'm going to the open school swimming pool tonight if anyone wants to join me?" Karina addressed the group in the hopes of not being completely alone in her plans.

"Nah sorry me and Tammy have got are own plans," Angel answered which excused both her and Tammy.

"I've got training tonight babe so I can't go, sorry," Mark sighed looking down at his feet as he didn't want to disappoint his girl friend. Karina was a little saddened but she wasn't going to let that stop her. The friends parted with Angel and Tammy going home to Tammy's house. They had planned this weekend trip for a while and some preparation was needed before tomorrow.

A little while later Karina was back at the school as she said she would be. The school's pool was for the public to use as well after a certain time so it was always open. Even if somebody had the intention to sneak in and steal something the only thing they could steal would be the water as everything else was locked away. It was 9 O'clock so it was dark but Karina wasn't afraid of the dark even though she and strangely all others of the town had poor night vision.

She opened the large double doors and entered into the poolroom that had minimal lighting to save money. Nobody was swimming and when she got to the changing rooms there was nobody in them either, she was alone. This, she thought, was kind of good news because she had an entire pool to herself. She was already wearing her bathing suit underneath her outfit so it was an easy thing to change. But before she could even remove a sock, four of the seven strip lights down either end of the changing room flickered and failed leaving the room mostly dark. A low rumbling sound distracted Karina from undressing when she noticed that most of the lights had turned off. Strange noises came from both dark areas, which frightened Karina quite a bit.

"Hello... Mark if that's you this isn't funny!" she shouted into the dark with a small tremble in her voice. There was no reply.

Karina moved around one of the lockers to see what was on the other side but saw nothing. Then she heard another noise that sounded like a cross between a growl and gargling, it was closer this time. She pressed herself against the closest set of lockers trying not to move and listen to where it was coming from.

"Alright stop it now you've had your fun I'm sacred okay so just drop it!" she shouted again but her words landed on death ears... or did they.

A clash was heard behind her, which made her swivel around to see what it was but another clash was heard from behind her again making her turn back. Two more of the strip lights flickered and ceased to function leaving only one just above her. Everything was completely black outside of the small beam of light the only thing that made her think somebody else was with her was a low laughing sound, it was almost demonic. Something with claws was running circles around her.

"Just stop it and turn the fucking lights back on you asshole!" her severely trembling voice quivered as her eyes began to glaze or with tears.

Horrible noises were heard all around her making Karina spin around in all directions but she could not see anything. The sounds closed in and the growling became louder echoing, still she could not see anything. Her heart rate was at maximum and unable to take this amount of fear her breathing was rapid and stammered. Then the noises stopped and there was complete silence. Karina sobbed lightly as she thought it was over. She noticed her hands that she had been crying into started to flutter in the light. Looking up at the strip lamp above it was flashing on and off turning every thing dark then a lick of light flashed outwards. The light popped surrounding her in darkness with no more light to protect her. She could do nothing but whimper as the noises retuned and the demonic laughter closed in. She let out one final scream then... nothing.

Angel was on her way to Tammy's place to get the tent and stuff when she saw Mark approaching and interrupted her.

"Hey Angel have you seen Karina her mum says she didn't come home last night?" Mark asked with a deep look of worry and concern.

"No I thought she was with you," Angel answered now worried a bit herself, if she didn't know Karina better she would think something was wrong.

"I'm really worried she's been missing for hours," Mark was rubbing one paw over the other nervously.

"Look Mark, I've know Karina most of my life and sometimes she just needs to get away from it all," Angel tried to sooth the anxious looking wolf holding his hands.

"Thanks Angel, I'm going to go have a look around to see if I can find anything," Angel smiled lightly but could not get a return smile from Mark who walked timidly away. For a big guy he sure has got a lot of heart. Now he was gone she could continue her trek to Tammy's. It was already starting to get dark and the small towns streets were almost deserted. A sudden gust of wind blew up behind Angel making her shiver. She reached Tammy's house at the agreed upon time and couldn't help think something was behind her reaching out to grab her but when she turned around there was nothing, just an empty street. Angel shrugged her shoulders; she knocked twice on the door and heard footsteps coming towards it.

"Evening Angel come on in everything's ready," Tammy greeted her friend as politely as she always did welcoming her inside with a gesture. Angel noticed that all the things they needed for their trip was set out in a neat pile on the floor.

"Grab what you can and we might as well head off," Tammy suggested pointing to the pile. Angel picked up the tent and small food satchel leaving Tammy to carry her own backpack. Angel carried the packed tent under her arm and the satchel over her back.

"Mum, dad I'm going now bye!" Tammy shouted aimless to the rest of the house and only got a reply of 'see you dear.' The campsite they had chosen was only a mile away in a thick wood isolated from the rest of the town. It only took a few minutes to get there on foot and by the time it was pitch black they had set up the tent and had a roaring fire going.

"Tammy I'm sorry I forgot to say, Karina she's gone missing, but you know her as well as I do and she'll turn up, right?" Angel sounded a bit shaky like she wasn't being entirely truthful even though she was.

"Karina's missing, that's weird what has she got to worry about?" Tammy asked with a look of not so much of worry but confusion.

"I don't know, maybe she felt a bit down when we all declined to go swimming with her," Angel sighed feeling that she let her friend down. Both of them started to think hard about her disappearance of Karina but neither of them spoke.

Rain started to pour downwards onto the small campsite making the fire fizzle and fade. It was a very sudden heavy down pour that left little time for the girl's to stop themselves from getting too wet. A quick scramble to gather anything non-waterproof and then they dived into their shared tent. The fire was completely out and nothing but ash so they had to use their torches to see properly. Oddly just as quick as the rain started it stopped.

"What in the hell was that, it wasn't supposed to rain to night was it?" Tammy whined trying to dry her wet and matted fur.

"No I checked the weather report it's not supposed to rain for a few days... damn my torch is going I thought I put new batteries in it!" Angel barked angrily at her failing torch.

Her use mine I'm pretty much dry now anyway," Tammy passed her torch to Angel who took and look over her fur, which was still very wet. A low booming sound rumbled past their tent making its dwellers freeze.

"Angel, what was that?" Tammy whispered calmly to her partner. Angel did not answer at first too frozen with fright to answer, but she eventually snapped out of it.

"How the hell would I know," she whispered back slightly angrily. A different sound growled tauntingly outside their tent and shadows floated there was across the tent walls. The other torch in Angels had begun to flutter making a last few desperate flashes of light.

"Quick chuck it her!" Tammy whispered manically with panic rising in her voice. Angel threw the dimming torch to her who used its last weak beam of light to search quickly through her backpack. She pulled out two spare batteries just as the torch switched off and she frantically opened up the top. The noises became louder and louder, closer and closer creeping inwards to the vulnerable girl's.

"Get the batteries in there NOW!" Angel shouted madly in panic not caring to whisper anymore. They did not know why a simply torch was going to do much more than see but it was natural to seek defence from anywhere.

"I can't see if it's negative to positive or positive to negative!" Tammy shouted back dropping the batteries onto the tent floor and scrambling to find them. The noises stopped, everything went completely silent. Tammy stopped trying to jam the batteries in to listen and Angel did the same. A loud tearing sound ripped throughout the silence and the horrific noises started again as white claws and teeth appeared through the thin tent.

"TURN THE TORCH ON!" Angel screamed at Tammy who was desperately forcing batteries into the torch hoping they were the correct way around. A flash of light went across Angel's eyes and a loud ear-piercing squeal was heard. The torch was on and whatever had been trying to get to them had been frightened away by the sudden light. Angel and Tammy were both breathing hard and fast from fear; they could only hold each other closely. As they each surveyed the tent they saw large rips all over its thin lining. The tent was literally ripped to shreds and another second later whatever was attacking them would have had its prize.

"We've got to get out of here Angel and just run back to town!" Tammy shouted still rather panicked by what had just transpired.

"Okay good plan, whatever it was it doesn't like the light so stick close to me," Angel said in her usual calm way, which was much needed in this situation. They exited the no longer safe confines of the tent very cautiously shining the torch in all directions. They padded lightly trying their best not to make any unnecessary noise. They abandoned the leg it idea and decided to walk quickly instead. A snap of twigs made them stop suddenly and listen carefully. There were more snaps, both were glued in place as Angel shone the torch in the direction of the snaps. Tammy picked up a large stick, which she did just to make herself feel a bit safer even though it would be useless in a fight. Something reached out from the darkness of the woods towards the shoulder of the unsuspecting Angel. It grabbed onto her making angel screech loudly and Tammy whack Angels attacker with her stick.

"Hey whoa it's just me its Mark put the stick down," Mark said rapidly putting an arm up to defend himself against the feeble attacks of Tammy.

"You twisted bastard why were you trying to scare us!" Angel shouted pushing him slightly away.

"Scare you what are you on about?" Mark questioned with a confused look.

"Back then you ripped apart our tent... you're going to pay for that you prick!" Angel shouted again punching at Mark's abs.

"Look and listen to me, I did not attack you or your tent, I asked your mum where you were and she said I could find you here," he spoke with a surprising amount of calm and sensibility taking Angels hands and pinning them to her sides. Angel calmed herself taking a few moments to rest her heartbeat and collect herself.

"Have you got a torch?" Tammy asked hoping the answer was yes as they obviously needed all the light they could get.

"Yeah but it just died on me a couple of minutes ago, why?" Mark released Angel's arms and turned to Tammy to answer her.

"Wait a minute, did you say something attacked you?" he questioned Tammy with a look of disbelief.

"Yes a few minutes ago, there was this thing outside our tent and when our torches failed it started to rip through walls," Tammy explained still trembling slightly from remembering the terrifying event that had just happened.

"Right, okay lets go and have a look you seem to have frightened it away," Mark announced in a strong commanding voice. Angel and Tammy looked at each other with the same expression of terror; the thought of going back turned their stomachs inside out. They had to agree because Mark had already started to walk towards the camp. They followed carefully behind him with the torch held close, it was their one and only safety. They reached the small campsite and Mark inspected the damage done to the tent whilst Angel held the torch in his direction.

"What in the hell happened here," he looked over the unrecognisable structure of the tent. A low demonic laughing disturbed them and Tammy latched onto Angel. They knew what was coming and wanted to cut and run. The numerous different noises grew in number and intensity as Angel spun around in a circle trying to shine the light protectively.

"Lets get out of here, just run!" Tammy shouted as the noises approached them getting louder.

"You two go, whatever it fucking is it got Karina, NOW GO!" he bellowed at the two petrified girl's. Neither of them wanted to leave him but they knew he wouldn't come with them if they tried. They fled together in any direction as they had lost their sense of direction in the confusion. As they left the light disappeared leaving Mark in complete darkness. The noises stopped no more sounds were made. Seizing the opportunity, Mark fumbled around on the ground and found a large broken tree branch the size of a leg. He held it threateningly in both paws ready to swing it hitting hard.

"COME ON YOU COWARDLY FUCK!" he roared into the blackness willing the creature to fight. The demonic laugh screamed out and a pair of green eyes appeared in the dark. A human sized grey creature leapt forward at Mark who swung the bat like implement. It cracked over the head of the monster splitting it open with a huge amount of force, which sent the creature flying to the ground.

"Take that you piece of shit!" he shouted at the spot where the beast landed. He panted heavily bearing his teeth in anger knowing he killed the thing that took his Karina.

"HEEEYAAAHAHAHA!" the same demonic laugh called from the darkness.

"COME ON YOU WANT SOME TO!" Mark shouted at the new set of glowing green eyes. It was then that he looked around at the rest of the surrounding forest. It was alive with small green eyes, there must have been at least 50 of them, all of them were looking squarely at Mark. His grip on his weapon loosed and he allowed it to drop to the ground.

"I'm coming Karina," he whispered solemnly to himself. The eyes moved quickly in closer.

Angel and Tammy had ran quite a good distance but had no clue if they were heading towards home or deeper into the dark forest. They couldn't care less at that moment because the last thing they heard was a loud horrifying howl. Fear was ruling their minds and clouding their better judgement. They continued to run wildly through the trees but Tammy couldn't keep up the pace.

"Stop... (Pant)... please stop... (Gasp)..." Tammy wheezed hard trying desperately to catch her breath. Angel reluctantly stopped but she did need a break as well.

"What do we do?... (Pant)... which way do we go?" Tammy gasped heavily still trying to breathe properly. Angel shook her head, she had no answer, she didn't know what they were going to do. The torch in Angels paw began to flicker and the light dimmed.

"Just give us a fucking break," Tammy whined and started to sob quietly. Angel whacked the torch desperately trying to get any charge out of it she could. A useless attempt to delay the inevitable, the torch switched off. Angel threw it to the ground, only the dark was left.

"We're not getting out of here are we," Angel sighed deeply no longer trying to delay their fate and accepting a rather gruesome death. The familiar noises of the creatures howled through the trees and the demonic laughter screeched at them. The sounds came closer until the evil green eyes of the beasts could be seen. Then all noise vanished and the evil grins of the creatures became visible as their teeth were bared white with noticeable traces of blood.

"This is it Angel... it was a good run," Tammy smiled a bit but that quickly changed when the growling and laughing started again.

"Your necklace Angel!" Tammy called in surprise pointing at Angel's chest.

Angel's necklace had begun to glow yellow as the stars in the sky. They both looked at it with brightening eyes and were almost blinded by the light. Suddenly Angel held her stomach with her two paws and groaned keeling over at the same time. It felt like she had been punched in the gut and the pain increased as it moved up her chest.

A power deep within Angel's soul was suddenly unleashed! She began to levitate several feet off the ground and her fur changed from orange to a pure white colour. Tammy looked up at this awe-inspiring scene with unbelieving eyes and an open mouth. The demons, which were now visible in the dark, shielded themselves from the sight of this glowing white girl.

"I am the Angel of light I bring peace to all and banish demons back to hell!" Angel spoke not like her usual self it was as if there was something speaking through her. It was then that an awesome bright light swelled around her illuminating the surrounding forest. The white light burned like an ember, even her eyes shot white beams. She rapidly stretched all her limbs in one quick movement, which propelled the white light outwards from her body and flooded the whole forest in its beauty. There was nowhere for the demons to hide, they scattered everywhere but the light simply shot through then instantly vaporising them from existence. Tammy was blinded by the light and fell to the ground covering her eyes desperately trying to block it out. The light disappeared from Angel as quickly as it flashed. All consciousness left her body and she fell with a hard thump to the ground.

Angel awoke a few hours later with blurred sore eyes, she found herself in her own bed. It felt soft and warm under the covers. Her eyes would not fully open leaving her to try and adjust. She could see that her fur was once again it's usual colour of orange. She had no recall what so ever of what happened the previous night.

"Gabriel come quick she's awake!" a familiar voice shouted. Looking over at the blurred figure now next to her she saw her stepmother standing over her. She received a long hug from her mother, which was much appreciated. Gabriel rushed in to her room and immediately went over to his daughter to hug her as well. Angel loved this amount of attention but it did get a little bit crowded.

"How's Tammy is she alright?" was all Angel could manage to say through a weakened muzzle.

"She's fine just a small bump to the head that's all," Gabriel answered in a soft voice stroking the fur between her ears.

"What happened Angel?" her mother asked with the same soft voice as Gabriel. Angel just looked down at her chest to see her Christian Cross necklace glowing a slightly white colour.

So begins the tales of an Angel.