Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 5: Advance

"we come on behalf of the guilds of the east continent, emissaries of gold-ranked captains torolf of team warmachine, and luke of team valiant."

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 4: Recovery

Loaded with six rescue teams - valiant, phalanx, plainsrunner, kama, storm and of course team warmachine, who spent that time making preparations for what lay at the end of their voyage - everybody managing it in different ways.

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The Big Chance Ch.1 - The Arrival

I started to want join your team ever since i read about sonic in the library."

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Home Team

I am a bear and my favorite team is the hyenas! get over it, people!"

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Q&A Panel in one hour and thirty minutes!

[]( Come and join us in the Phoenix Library!

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One chapter left in current Team Valiant Arc! (Announcement!)

The completion of pokemon: team valiant! though i'm only in the process of editing the 7th arc, a secondary arc (7.5) and two additional arcs have also been completed.

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Orelai- New Team

Anton wore his best suit as he went into the training facility for his new team. it did end up with the royals being the only team to really offer him a position.

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 6: Defector

"a battle with him is certain to weaken team phobia regardless of the outcome," calhoun continued, "if he should fail, the corrupted swords of justice will step in. even team phobia cannot stop all three of them."

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Frost A story of a Piplup It was a cold morning in Snowpoint City. Just the way I like it. I got up and heard my mother calling me down to eat. I lazily walked to the eating place and ate my usual; fish. I loved to explore the area. But my mother...

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Chaos Chapter 2: Two Missions

"meilin of team tao, westwatch temple," the mienshao introduced herself. "sorana of team hex, hailabbot," the jynx. "valorin of team raptor," the staraptor - likely a team that travelled aboard, like the red talons.

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Sands of the West Chapter 7: Return

It wasn't long before his mind drifted back to his team captain and that of team phalanx -the blaziken that hank had grown to be good friends with, once more wondering where they could possibly be.

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Sands of the West Chapter 6: The Way Home

The anticipation of fighting team drake, his battle with sickle and its thrilling turns, even his seething at the attitude of romulus of team phobia, he allowed it all to come forth, just enough to let the thrill flow through him again as it did then.

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