The Otter with Emerald Eyes

The Otter with Emerald Eyes By Foxpiper Wandering lowly amidst the shamrock shore, Was a grand creature steeped in Irish lore; For nary a soul would believe such lies, Of a charming otter with emerald eyes. Though none could deny the braw...

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Reference Guide.

You might get bruises depending on the game you're playing coffin: a metal box that people use to sink into and rise out of the virtnet sinking: slang for entering the virtnet rising: slang for leaving the virtnet hacking: typing lines of code to do something

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Natural Habitat Interviews 3: Sheila

James lipton: i imagine that your use of the slang makes things interesting when you're talking to people here in the states.

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Marcus_Jase-Discussions over Dinner(LTMRT_NRMVFXVault_#0004)

The assignment called for the use of 20's slang, to which jase has a tounge for.

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Academy High's And Lows 5

Derogatory slang is about to be thrown about like conjunctions, and most of it will be directed towards those who choose to follow the path of a homosexual.

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iii. A Friend in Need (6~15~07)

The slang was the worst part, because furs would use words that didn't exist in the dictionary in lieu of words that ayumi actually knew.

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Gangsters Season 1: Hunted by a Dragon: Chapter 1 Cody Dixon's story

This chapter will be telling the story of our main protagonist before he became a gangster and also his success as a gangster, it will be a short chapter but the next one will be longer (hopefully) also, i'll be using some 20s gangster slang in this series

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Friends and Folk.

Now there's a certain elegance to my country slang. i can turn mere water in the air into frozen ice droplets and water in larger quantities into anything i want that can be made with ice... too bad it doesn't fucking matter at all.

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Love for Sale: Chapter 13

[1] -slang term of affection; 'handsome', 'studly', [2] slang -for hire; prostitute.

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A sympath [slang, official 'sympathicor'] is capable in a miriad of ways, any one or many of simpler aces, and in extreme cases, all of the following; - capasica, abilty to learn the aces of others. usually through touch, or repeat observance of ace in progress


The Races of Grimmwood

They become verezial, or in slang, vampiric. **black ones:** sapiens touched by the black hand, gifted with innate dark magics. **deep:** the resident sapienes of drowner's deep, they live beneath the lake.

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Magnus -The Raging Bull

[scottish slang 1.0 (the ultimate guide to help you blend in north of the border) - highland titles](

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