Sinnoh Journeys Chapter 2: Panic at the Pokémon Center
Woah, that's a seviper's tail blade!" i began to panic. "growlithe, use bite! get it off me!" growlithe bit the wild seviper. the seviper hissed in annoyance.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 5
The seviper hissed. "very wise," seviper mentioned "i heard it from one story told to young." "not the ekans one..." thief begrudged sighed as the seviper lightly rolled his eyes. "yep, ekans and dedenne."
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 4
The seviper hissed and cackled. "yes, the knight encrusted of gold, silver, and purple! the very same seviper. how is my delicious snack today?" "d - don't... freak me out right now." seo's ear twitched as seviper had been about to go into it.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 3
She won't listen and seviper...?
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 1
The seviper continued to say, and it left absol to spit on the trail he slithered on, not that the seviper hadn't cared in the slightest. she didn't budge while seviper curiously hissing in reply.
A Day in the Life of a Vulpix (unoffical title, vore story) Part 1
The serperior was fighting the seviper still, keeping it from chasing her it looked like. but the seviper used a poison tail and slithered after her. "no! say what?! i can't keep...running..." vulpix said, rushing towards her home.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch 19
_they're wary of seviper's tail._ "i don't like those officers with us seviper. try not to point your tail around them." she tried to focus on the pair, but they seemed distant or distorted - even their voices mimicked what she saw.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 3
Zaph was being wrapped up tight by the seviper he was fighting. art leapt off sableye's head, knocking it into the ground. he made a mad dash to his struggling friend but as he got close, seviper used its iron tail attack and knocked art away.
Hotel Sunbloom 1/2
seviper you want to sleep in a warm dragon bed today or are you afraid?" says lopunny looking to seviper. "me? fear? no, but it does not seem comfortable to sleep inside a stomach" says seviper "by the way, what's your name?"
A Day in the Life of a Vulpix (part 2. VORE STORY!)
seviper pulled his head back a bit, and went to snatch up the little pokémon, but suddenly, he was choked so quickly, no one saw what happened, and then seviper's head was sliced right off, the snake monster falling down, now dead, and blood spurting and gushing
Pokemorph Virus: Sea
The hallucination cried to draw the seviper's attention. the seviper, startled by the zangoose's sudden appearance, halted its attack and drew itself back into the crate. mike managed to get away from it as he was released from its hold.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 1
Lashing its tail out, the seviper knocked art against the rocky wall. he let out a yelp of pain as he fell to the ground, stunned. "that'ssss it? what a shhhhame..."