Lemurian religions

Lemuria constitutionally lacks a state religion, but the folk religion has often been co-opted by nationalist groups.

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The Anthro Religion - (WIP)

Upon the ancient stone tablets believed to be carved by the Goddess's own claws almost 7 million years ago, can be found what awaits each Anthro when there time on the mortal realm comes to it's end. The Goddess, after using parts of her own soul to...

Their One way

Their One Way There is only one way Those who follow must obey They obey the word of a single God The Only God, Or so they say They say, Other Paths are rooted in sin Corrupted by the powers of Satan They follow without a word Never...

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Right Church, Back Pew (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The temple lecture was a bit more than halfway complete when a basilisk, dripping wet with kerosene, slipped in the back doors of the long hall and tucked onto one of the rear pews. Everyone in the length of the hall gave some notice to the sound of...

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Mystery Savior Ch. 11

_Note: I do not own the group that will be mentioned in this chapter. If I did, I would probably go insane. That, or kill everyone in this group._ There was only one group of people that my mom would want to protect me from that were at my dad's...

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Polytheism Within My Writing

religious sects who devote the bulk of their worship to the phoenix commonly believe solely in cremation.

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The Thordani Heretic, as told by Thenyr Nontdargo

"I tell you a story that speaks to me. Once, there was a Thordani who strayed from the light, desiring power and wealth beyond what. It started innocently, but quickly grew to something more. As he gained power and influence, he became defected from...

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Sort of a religion rant in short story form. the lion was dressed in his sunday's best as he stepped up to the gates and stood in awe at the wonderment at the marvel before him.

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Don't Ask the Compass (Otherwise Untitled)

#63 of short stories an owl prepares for a weekly update meeting, explaining the origin of one of her religious practices.

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Preaching to a Bear

At a certain college campus in texas, where all the tallest tales begin, a trio of chaplains ministered to the students, each to his particular religion.

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A/N: Very much so inspired by the A Perfect Circle song of the same name and my own sense of the macabre. Read while you listen to it. I listened to it when I wrote it. Thinking about this has been keeping me from other things. I ramble. Also, tell me...

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The Great Orchestra

#5 of poetry wherein i describe my one true religion; not what you think it is.

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