My Terminator ch2.

Jack glides along in his 1971 Dodge Cornet police patrol unit heading to the LAPD. precenit for driving instruction, "Roger all units respond, robbery in progress," "10-4." Jack into the radio mic. \*this is where Jack takes over\* Jack's p o...

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The Lone and Level Sands

Kahmith The Lone and Level Sands by Geneseepaws What trouble may lurk in these lone and level sands? - Tilsit Rakat T'heer Notes: Kortans are a sheep or goat like animal the size of a cow or bull, used...

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The Augment

**The lithe figure moved with athletic grace and speed almost silently through the woods, keeping comfortably ahead of his pursuers from the secret government installation called only, "the Shop." Their scent signatures were readily discernible to him,...

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Sacred fire lit up the night, as another gang of thugs were driven off for fear of burning to death. They would have to take him by surprise to stand a chance of capturing him. The phoenix pecked at the girl gently in an attempt to wake her. He...

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The Pursuit

# _05 - The Pursuit_ #### The clock hadn't quite struck 8, and the race stood just short of the halfway mark, but behind the pit box it could've been called a congregation, like the crowd of media at the red carpet for the Academy Awards. This...

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Karmic Pursuit

Dylan was beyond satisfied as he left New Steppe that night. After hyping up an all-afternoon party. The dark green chubby water buffalo, with straight black hair, a goatee, and a fancy cap on his head, calmly drove a red car as he left...

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The Wolf's Pursuit

Patience was not one of Nathan's strong suits, as he had been quickly finding out. A breeze blew through the bushes, rustling the leaves. With his golden fur, he was ill suited towards blending in the coniferous forest, the brown trunks and detritus...

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Flee, Flee, Lynx in the Wood!

pursuit? no. water. he needed to drink. he needed to eat, he needed rest. one out of the three would be a start. a distant shriek. but it was some little feral, crying its last moments in the jaws of a predator.

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LAWT #11 ~ Pursuit

The artificial lighting of the stairwell gave way to the sun-lit lobby as Lorrie ascended from the underground platform. The high windows of the train station allowed the room to bathe in the natural warmth of...

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normal. four

four by Lukos "No, I'm sorry, but we don't have anymore room. As far as we know all the places on this block are full." Daley sighed softly. His family had heard that line at the last three places they had stopped. It was hard not to be frustrated,...

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Dark Energy

"umbreon used pursuit!" read the text. "it's not very effective..." yes, using dark type moves didn't seem like the best plan, but it was still the best one travis had.

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The Dawn of the Veiled God

This unshakeable dread which would often haunt even her waking hours, that unspeakable horror which the tablets had said the sahkrine had awoken in their blind pursuit of fulfillment.

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