lone dragon pt.1
The prince not knowing what to say or do simply left. the dragon simply went back into the cave system.
Streets of His City | Chapter 2
"please bring an extra place setting for the prince." natier sat to the right of his father. several servants hurried to bring him dinner utensils and food.
Cyanide of Riddance chapter 11.
My mother is the queen, which makes me a prince!" "mother, it think this peasant has gone mad with a plague," another one, similar to red, except more handsome said. "for everyone knows i am the true prince of this place."
lone dragon pt2
**lone dragon pt. 2** ten years to the day had passed and the prince was now king of the kingdom. those of neighboring kingdoms who were collecting in the former kings debt were surprised to to be paid back in full.
The Prince
"not at all prince." corbyn replies.
To Be Somebody...pt3
Within seconds, the prince was gone and cyrno was left in silence. waiting a minute just in case he came back, he then picked up the poem that aura had reviewed and edited it quickly.
Talespin: Prince Of Bear-ya Part 2
Lotus blossoms floated on the green water.two young attendants stood topless in the water "come on young prince," bernice said taking off her bikini top and loincloth.
Prince Of Bear-ya: A Talespin Fanfic
"come my young prince," she said helping the boy out of the bed "it's time to take your bath.
the princes of ice and the Prince of Fire
#1 of the princes of ice and the prince of fire this story was done by my friend tsume-chan and she was the one that let me use it for my first story . hope you like it once upon a time live the boy name vex , vex lived in a fire village that is unknown
Soft Like Snow- Ch.1
The prince didn't care much for his princehood, preferring really to have never been prince. however, his father had different plans, always finding some way or another to get his son to the events at hand, trying to push his heritage on him.
Dragon Learning
"a disgrace for a prince to have fallen so far." "i am no prince on earth." the dragon argued. "nor should i be treated like one, that's what's wrong with our society--" "enough!" dranzer's sudden bark was enough to still his son's tongue.
Del Sarto of the Dragons: Drestir's Despair
Yet drestir approached the dragony prince now, his dark scales really paled in camparison to zargons gold and bronze scales. drestir remember the scaly patterns of his prince meant he was destined for great things.