My identity as portuguese
I see myself as Wepwawet, Who opens the gates of Duat. From those gates come plague, Enslavement, Genocide. A forest torn down in Brazil, Heads cut in Timor, Slave ships in the Atlantic. Is this my legacy, oh Empire Where the sun...
Not So Retired Any More XI
The words that came through were in portuguese and sounded distant, probably several rooms away. they confirmed that all was normal, no sign of interlopers.
A Romantic Dinner
A portuguese bottled, fine tawny port, has been laid center table, in reach of both chairs already uncorked. no need, only desire drives me here. children worlds away can't sleep for pain of hunger, but i just don't care.
Revolt of 64
portuguese translation by yoshirojr on fur affinity. (note: i'll be looking to translate this poem into french, spanish, and russian in the future.)
Echo Pride
"oh yeah" sydney said, "and its even a a portuguese man-o-war with actual portuguese man-o-wars in the crew!"
presentation by Hardsharp Scanlan
Although i am rich, i am humble one of my favorite hobbies is to visit my virtual friends and my poly girlfriends in other countries and states by teleportation although my first language is english, i am studying russian and portuguese so that i can communicate
Facts- he shares the same birthday as maxwell his husband is a year younger than him his blood type is b-and is right handed he can speak english german portuguese and spanish he can run very fast and is the fastest runner his husband eddie is illiterate he
A Journey Begun - Chapter 6 - Getting A Little Too Loud
Nothing much else about the tiente family, they were brazilian, knew more portuguese than i did and they were kind enough to sponsor our stay here until we had a place of our own.
Sun Goddess of Lemuria
Likewise, portuguese catholicism found it much easier to syncretise her with the virgin mary and the woman cloaked in the sun in revelation; lemurian christian beliefs even say that the world was dark before the birth of virgin mary, and that the garden of
Lemurian religions
Christianity like buddhism christianity was likely present before the indian era, but if it was it was largely replaced by a syncretic form of catholicism introduced by the portuguese.
From the Desk of Ms. Bellington 3: Multitasking
While she is pumping iron, sarah squeezes in time to talk with the boss and the rest of the staff, power-broking with super-clientele and executives from around the world who are fighting to squeeze into her appointments book, speaking spanish, portuguese
Adora and Maria: The Staff of Apep Ch. 1 - Wax Amazon, Wax Amazoff
"hey, carlos," said adora, flicking the basilisk on his nose, who woke in a burst of irritated portuguese. "take us to rio, we have a key to sell."