The First Pantheon

There they were forced to wander in sight of the world they lost, and the first pantheon became known as the wanderers. saffron was gifted dominion of the world, and the world was named saffron in her honor.

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Scion 2nd Edition Intro

Tuatha de danann - the pantheon of ireland. orisha / loa - the pantheons of west africa. deva - the pantheon of south asia. shen - the pantheon of china. teotl - the pantheon of the aztecs.

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Dodekatheon Pantheon

The greek pantheon's greatest weakness is hubris-belief that the individual is capable of winning out against fate.

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The Aesir Pantheon

#2 of scion material a description of the norse pantheon from the scion game series.

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The Loa Pantheon

Of all the pantheons, the loa remember their origins as scions. they tend to treat their progeny with respect and honor.

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Creating a character

Female; mepa, diha religion kuranese pantheon, rashanian pantheon, nmarian pantheon racial features +2 intelligence +1 charisma +2 appraise +1 sense motive, the kuranese are excellent merchants and traders and cannot easily be fooled races races

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A Creation Myth

And they bore the first pantheon. the gods of the pantheon were given dominion over the world. and they brought forth the many races into it. they led the world through peace and prosperity for a thousand years.

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Furtasia: Thladiran Pantheon

Thladirans are not discouraged from worshiping other deities, though clergy are expected to be faithful only to thladir's pantheon. thladirans who do pray to other gods are advised to pay equal homage to their own pantheon, however.

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Golden Age: chapter 8: The City on the Hill

The four pantheons must unite against unchainable." zeus gave a hearty laugh. "i could have guessed as much! anything else?" athene hesitated. i was not, after all, the wisest choice to share this information.

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The Calendar of Ocus

Dark priests and monsters loyal to the old auran pantheon plagued the lands. it was the five popes who changed the course of the world.

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CotJ II: The last Stand Act III Part II

The justicar watched the gods from each of the realms emerge from all around their pantheon.

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Geography part 1

Population 18,270,000 (62% kuranese 21%rashanian 11% nmarian 6% other) power center; lawful neutral government monarchy (puppet state of rashan) religions local gods, rashanian pantheon, nmarian pantheon imports silk, wine, gems, wool, textiles, iron
