
"Walk with me?" It was as plaintive an offer as any she'd ever made. His acceptance came as a surprise to both parties, but a welcome one. She reached up to touch his fuzzy cheek, a gesture that brought a rare smile to his grim features. The glint...

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Solomon Talks: On The Subject of Diet

I believe the scientific term is "obligate carnivore". likewise, a "true" or "obligate" herbivore (or herbie) such as our vice president has a body specifically designed to digest plants and plants alone.

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SPQR Chapter 6

Things have grown so dangerous that i, a former soldier, would want to leave but i have an obligation which i made to the people decades ago as a soldier to protect the empire from evil men. and now i must fulfill that obligation."

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Forged in Fire

If you bring children into a world, it is not just your responsibility and obligation to raise them, it is also your responsibility and obligation to raise a better world for them. for them, will your legacy be poor, or great?

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A Whole New Kind of Heaven

The woman obliged and left the room, closing the wooden door behind her. the doctor walked to the wolf's bedside, and sat in a chair. he began to speak, "mr. wolffe, it seems you've made a full recovery.

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The Volantis Corps-Ch3

"i, christopher coulter, do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that i take this obligation freely, without any

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A Dragon Redeemed, Part 1

I had an obligation to pay, and we dragons take honor and obligation most seriously! even a poor excuse for a dragon like myself! i never once, for even a second, considered not repaying that debt.

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Jumping Mouse, Part 1

"obligation," came the soft reply. "tied to... obligation." "is there something in the shop that keeps you here? some object that..."

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Carltober: Dawn Hound outfit

Carl happily obliged, snuggling in against his boyfriend. "what are you even dressed up as?" flynn said, licking the ram's cheek, "i can't keep up with your super hero shit." "dawn hound." "the successor to superwolf, i take it?

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Piercing the Swordsman: Chapter 4

He had no official obligation to come, unlike the feathered quinton. "hello," the king said brightly. "good to see you, old friend." he inclined his head. "hello, your majesty."

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Hunting Death- Leaving Town

Our obligation may have been concluded, but there is still the matter of not having to worry about that other part of me while i'm still in your company.

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Getting Better

"aha, nothing at all as the head of the university i'm obliged to see that students that are treated poorly get the best treatment possible" "i quite agree sir..."

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