A Journey Among the Highlands

A gentle breeze glided over the land urging my tail to flow, whilst the sun shone down upon my face and caused my fur to glow; truly, this land was only meant for creatures of northland birth, who could look around and embrace these hills for

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Lady Vorach

So she gathered groups of vermin, forming a fierce horde, with the promise of vast riches as their own reward; they wandered across the northlands for awhile, until vorach heard tales of a wondrous isle.

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Killer Huxley; profile

The nwoa, wentworth and edwards formed a huge, single coalition and mobilized the largest army never seen before in the northlands.

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(Chapter Two) The Fallen Find a Favorite

I purged them all...our name, the paladins of the northlands would not be sullied by one foolish puma and his bleeding heart. "the lion snarled furiously. sparkle quietly raised a paw. "now.

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Project Azura: A guide to Valentia

The inhospitable northlands belong to the bears. having evolved short legs and large paws for easy navigation of the snow, while their thick fur protects them from the biting cold. the forests are filled with game for the carnivorous bears to survive on.

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The Homecoming of Daniel Usherswell

And tales he came to telling, of the pack he'd found to love him, of home they'd made eachother in the forest of the northlands, of pride and polyamory, of blue moon and bereavement, of how the wolf had to come to each, to turn and re-beget them.

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The Song of the Slayer - Prologue

It shall be told now, a great from the many tales of those northland realms raised beyond the icy peaks. sing, goddess!

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Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Three

The matter of her name being settled, trembula quickened her pace and started whistling one of her favorite northlands drinking songs.

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Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 3 - The Blacksmith and the Metal

I know they are north of the swamp in the rocky northlands. irana lived in a small village called neue hoffnung with her father, rurnberg orilia. she moved away after she rejected the idea of becoming a blacksmith like her father."

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 6

* * * it was another blazing hot day in the northlands. everybeast in the tribe was exhausted and moving sluggishly. some beasts were panting and smacking their cracked lips, their mouths completely dry.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 17

Y'know, the fearsome warrior who traveled far an' wide in the northlands purgin' the lands an' seas o' vermin scum?" "no...can't remember any of that." "wot 'bout bluddhip the slicer?

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 1: Sons

There are not many dragons in the northlands. only two or three evolution lines i know of, neither of which i've ever actually laid eyes upon. though, uncle chen claims he fought a dragapult once..."

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